Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Welcome dear Sister,
Here is this weeks devotional thoughts. I share from where God is teaching me.

 Eph 1:11-12  We have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory.
My Dear Sisters, you are in my heart,
There is nothing in true faith that our flesh can glory in! Faith is not a power we possess by which we move the arm of Godand work miracles. The power is God's. Faith accepts quiet guidance; only the flesh in unbelief demands miracles.

  Faith is absolute confidence in who the Father is..  He is good and all-power. He is Wisdom and in control. Faith must be based on certainty. A definite knowledge of and confidence in His purpose and will. Without this there can be no true faith. (A.H.) 

Are you assured of His purpose and will? I didn't ask if you understand or know HIs will and purpose, but are you assured of it? Do you believe your heavenly Father has and is working out His will and purposes in your life? Do you accept that every trial, every speed bump in the road is working to accomplish this very thing in you? Do you believe all His dealings with you stem from a heart of love? When we hurt and especially when a trial seems endless, this is not our first thought. But when we choose with our 'will' to begin living with this mindset, we will have hope.  Today is a good day to stretch our faith in this practical way even if feelings do not agree. 

Begin today to thank Him immediately for whatever it is, big or small, which has interrupted your plans, your work place, even when you are late and find a slow driver in the fast lane! Thank Him that this too will serve Him and will work in you to fulfill His purpose in your life. He wants us to have hope.

Ephesians 1:18
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling...

I find it interesting this verse does not say "so we will know the purpose of His calling", but the hope of it.  Believing in His purpose does not require knowing or understanding how or what God is doing! Think about Romans 8:28-29...   in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose... he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son.

All things are working in us to conform us to the image of His son Jesus. All things. The failure, the criticism, inconveniences and all that removes options from our life. All things.
Disappointments are His-appointment.. Great are His purposes for us and there is no greater purpose than to be transformed into His likeness and reflect His love and grace to a lost and dying world! To believe He loves you immeasurably is to believe His purpose is being worked out in your life and He is in control. Believing we are loved perfectly not only sets us free it deals with our fears for perfect lovecasts out fear.  
I challenge you today: consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself and endured the Cross; for He is the One preparing you for what He has prepared for you. Sing of HIs loving kindness! Read His word until He gives you a "hanging on" verse. Know you are not home yet and hang on dear sister, believing the greatness of our God is at work on your behalf. Release the pain and rest asking Him to carry you. I prayed for you today..... you are so loved.

All things serve Him. Psalm 119:91 NIV
