Monday, June 28, 2010

Matthew 23:12
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

My dear Sisters who love the Lord,
Lessons in humility are unavoidable and oh so painful! In Luke 22 Jesus had taken the disciples aside to celebrate Passover with them. He shared these intimate words "I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer..." There is no recorded response. He then states that this is His last Passover on earth. Can you feel the tense quiet in the lamp lit room? I have this desire to ask, "Do you hear what He is saying?" (Place yourself there in the semi dark room, a strong smoke odor from the oil lamp.) Again, He lovingly tells them this is His last Passover. No response. Then strange words follow. "This is my body given for you." No response. Wouldn't you expect at least one of them to be tuned in and ask "Lord, What does that mean?"  Jesus proceeds to reveal that He will be betrayed and the 'betrayer' is dining with them! They discussed who it could be but quickly fell into a discussion about which one of them was the greatest. I want to shake them into the present and ask "Do you hear what He told you?"

Does this cause you to have questions? Or does it make you uncomfortable because you may see yourself in the scenario? They were focused on themselves. He had previously warned them (chpt 21) "Be on guard" and "Keep alert". Did they become so accustomed to His voice they didn't hear? We know what happened next... they fell asleep in the garden leaving Him alone with His great wrestlings.

Jesus is our example of humility. Though He was deity, He arrived on earth through the birth canal of a young Jewish woman. I think how easily I just typed the last sentence. Do I truly hear the Truth of scripture anymore than the disciples, in the upper room? Do I hear the heart of my Lord, in His words, as I read? Jesus humbled Himself. As I read these words I saw something I have not seen before... the last four letters of the word 'humbled' jumped out at me with new life: 'b-l-e-d'. Scripture says Jesus "humbled himself and became obedient to death ...' Jesus bled and died. Humbling ourselves requires death. Death to our flesh, our  old sin nature. God requires it... read slowly and 'hear' the sweet words...

    Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: 
 Who, being in very nature God
      did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 
 but made himself nothing, 
      taking the very nature of a servant, 
      being made in human likeness. 
 And being found in appearance as a man, 
      he humbled himself 
      and became obedient to death— 
         even death on a cross! Philippians 2:5-8

Never again will I think of the meaning of 'humbled' in the same way!

 Jesus placed all His trust in His Father rather than men. Isn't that why He was not cast down or discouraged as He dealt with the famous 12? And He is not cast down over me... this encouragement danced with me today! This is where I want my heart to dwell: on Him. 

"Jesus focused on the eternal goodness and beauty of God so that His heart was attached to God by a longing for unseen beauties of eternity. So real and wonderful was the realm of heaven to Him, that the world and it's temptations paled and held little attraction." TK

Abba, Daddy, 
Reveal my heart to me, as I read Your word. Expose anything which would keep Your word from rooting deep in my heart and bearing fruit. Show me my pride, doubt and unbelief or any resentments over loss and hardship. Let nothing in me resist Your Holy Spirit's work as You transform me into the likeness of Christ... i do so long to be beautiful for You. Dislodge any truth stuck in my head, moving it to my heart. Your love is so sweet and You are so beautiful. Thank You for Your loving watch-care over my sisters and I.  We long to have the attitude in us that was in Christ Jesus.  We bow before You in His Name; for it is  above all names....  amen
