Thursday, June 2, 2011

Embracing God's Sovereignty

“To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.  Isaiah 40:25-26
 To my fellow believers who walk with the LORD,
 As we grow and mature in faith we see more clearly that our Father is Sovereign over every aspect of life, as surely as He is the galaxy-filled universe. Our loving Father uses trials to instruct us about who He is and reveal to us who we are.  At first, our old sin nature hides from us and then we try and hide from it. The testing God sends exposes our self-effort to improve ourselves; rather than humbly learn the grace of God. My grandson works to get fed by turning his head side to side in newborn panic, his legs and arms flailing in search of food, for he does not realize all his harried efforts are of no avail and likely delay things a bit. He must relax into his mother or father who holds the source of nourishment, then there is rest. What a picture we make trying to live the Christian life by our own efforts, flailing in our own strength and delaying our growth. There will be no rest for us until by faith we relax into our Father, embracing His Sovereignty.  He alone is rest and just as loving heart and hands were much busy to meet my grandson’s need before it arose, so also our Father provides for us, for He is no less loving
 Two things mark spiritual growth; one is a deeper sense of th sinful old nature, the other s a greter longing after the Lord Jesus Christ. The sinfulness is discovered and felt as the power of the Holy Spirit increases; for many a thought and act passes without pain th the conscience where the Lord Jesus is leass before the soul, which will be refused and condemned as the knowledge of the Lord increases in spiritual power within. JBS
 Just as God led Israel into the desert; causing them to thirst that they might drink from that Rock who was Christ. (I Cor 10:4)  God takes us into the desert leading us into trouble where we are required to cast ourselves on Him. Is there any god who compares to our God, Namer and Sustainer of the Stars? So we find out what we are in times of testing! We say we believe God is Sovereignty. Words easily spoken when life is not too stressful. Then a relationship is torn and our hearts bleed, a child makes a bad choice affecting him for years, or a loss in some area and feelings rampage our doubting heart, we feel devalued and ill used and life hurts and hurts. Trusting in His Sovereignty is at a whole new level! It is then we need to remember God is not only Sovereign, He is good. He is faithful. He is near. He is loving.
 Recently a wounded relationship pushed me to my knees. ‘Fear’ and the question “but what if” became a repetative dialogue in my mind magnifying ‘worst’ scenerios which play unbidden and in full color. Choosing faith is so hard when emotions rule the heart. It must be a deliberate, willful action. I needed to ask: do I believe what I spout? To believe in God’s Sovereignty is to believe He is in control, He is good and He is working in this situation. He is aware of every nuance and painful detour. This truly reveals whether I believe what I claim. Sovereign or not?  If God is sovereign and He is good, faithful and trustworthy.... then what room is there for fear or resentment of anxiety? Do I believe my circumstances are His will? If so then my choice is to die to my will and embrace His with praise. Yes, praising Him whether I feel like it or not, kowing the sweetest praise is when I exercise the sacrifice of praise ( Hebrews 13:15) not from a spiritual high but  from a surrendered heart that chooses Truth: I am crucified with Christ and I will exalt Him with a spirit of thanksgiving because He is worthy. Let this scripture instruct your heart, seeping in and filling you with awe, until you are prone before Him in tears!
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! 
   How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out! 
 “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His counselor?”
 “Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?”  For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. Romans 11:33-36 
 I am fickle. My natural inclination is to make everything about me. When I operate in the flesh I look at divine things as they suit my thinking about myself. How often I cry out, “LORD, help me want Your will more than my own!” O to trust Him fully and find Him fully true! He is Sovereign and in His wisdom, He may deliver us from our trials or He may deliver us in our trials, either way it comes from who He is.  He cannot operate from anything less than His compassion and lovingkindness for us.
 Evil and suffering formed the crucible in which God demonstrated His love to humankind. His love comes to us soaked in divine blood. RA
Those who receive deliverance from their troubles never grow like those who get strengthened in the difficulties. How slowly one learns that His sympathy is not expressed in removing the affliction but in raising one above it to Himself, so that He becomes so endeared to the heart that He is more an object to the heart than oneself. JBS
Speak Truth aloud. “The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not be in fear, He is in control.
The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want of strength, for He is strength
The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want of peace, for He is my Peace.
The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want for Hope, for He is Living Hope.
Continue to speak aloud Truth when in the midst of your trial and praise Him with
truth: Praise the LORD my Shepherd who gives grace and wisdom to me.
 Father of all life and holder of all breath, there is no God but You. It is a fearful thing to come to You as Sovereign, Creator and Sustainer... Job struggled with his pain and loss and Your hand heavy upon him. He trembled at the thought of You. It is difficult to reconoiter the fierceness of Your being with the tender mercies of You, my Abba, my Daddy.  O that I would glorify You in every trial because You live through me. LORD, I want to be living proof  that You are alive and Sovereign and good.  Keep me from making this life about me. Open our eyes and remind us of Your goodness. I surrender...  to You the Holy One who reigns now and forever, in whose Name there is power Jesus. amen
His Sovereignty is my comfort and my good,