Tuesday, January 18, 2011

By His Doing

But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, so that, just as it is written, 
"LET HIM WHO BOASTS, BOAST IN THE LORD." I Corinthians 1:30-31

My dearest Sisters who are purchased by the blood of Christ,

'By His doing', Those three words stopped me; my feet started dancing and just as quickly I was left on my face in awe and in worship! I am in Christ Jesus only by His doing. Not by my cleverness or ingenuity or strength or wisdom! He chose me. As a child I remember standing on the play ground, holding my breath, as teams were picked for a game, fearful that I would not be chosen. 

He chooses the weak and foolish and base for His purposes so that no man may boast before Him. Jesus became to me all I need and all I will ever need. Salvation must be wholly of grace otherwise how will God get the glory? Paul wanted to get this point across to the Corinthians because they were guilty of glorifying men. When we give glory to men, even godly men, we are guilty of robbing God of the glory He alone deserves. The world excels at giving glory to mankind. Humans work very hard for the world's applause; including many Christians. Consider the awards given out for best actress, actors or writers; they spend their life portraying what is so often vulgar and of the flesh. Pride fuels the competition in pomp and dress. Their life will profoundly fail to satisfy in the end. How it must hurt our Savior to see us support and be drawn into the deception that the world's applause is worth pursuing. 

When all else fails us we find that God is enough. That which we most need in life- love, unfailing love- is abundantly and satisfyingly ours in the Lord Jesus. But we so often seek it elsewhere. ms

God places no reserve on His love. Has He not given the best in heaven for the worst on earth? Surrendering my heart to God, to want from Him only what He wants to give me, I will be content. He is all-wise and good. I have only to walk by faith being occupied with His promises and praising Him with a grateful heart.

If our hearts are not in the circle of divine love they have really got nothing, for as Christians we have no portion on earth. CAC

Verse 30 covers my past, present and future! God shows His wisdom by:
righteousness (we have been saved from the penalty of sin), 
sanctification (we are being saved from the power of sin),  
redemption (we shall be saved from the presence of sin).

All this is mine by His doing. I am dancing! I glory and boast in the Lord Jesus. No one can undo what He does. I hope this wiggles its way down in and deeply fills your heart.  It is all "By His doing."  

Paul came to the Corinthians wanting to know nothing among them except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. "I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling, and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God." I Corinthians 2:2-5

O that my life might be one of embracing Truth, demonstrating God's presence and power by His doing; leaving people drawn to Jesus, captured by His glory. 

I am praying again Crucified One, Infinite One, Lord of all the angel armies! I find words inadequate to the need of my heart to praise You. You who have become to me all I needed and will ever need, You who are faithful beyond understanding, You who love me fiercely and perfectly, I worship and adore You. I love you Keeper of my heart. You alone are worthy to be worshiped. Thank You for being so good and by Your doing  have provided me with such abundance. I ask You to penetrate the heart of every woman who reads these words. Touch her with Your Truth and Love and leave her heart bursting with desire to glory in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah what a Savior! In whose name we are welcomed to the Throne. amen

His, by His doing,