Monday, March 28, 2011

Draw Near to the King

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you  James 4:8
But as for me, the nearness of God is my good  Psalm 73:28

My Sister's who have been placed in Christ, I greet you in His precious Name.

James 4:7 has been bumping around in my heart and mind. Reading a scripture, especially a familiar one, often i do not hear what i am reading. Until i carry it next to my heart in meditation it remains quiet, unlike those verses which invariably jump out and speak instantly. The riches are embedded in the meditation of His living word and come forth as we seek for them as for treasure. Time spent pursuing God in His word brings great reward. He will disclose Himself to me as I pursue Him. Hear this from John 14:21 and ask yourself: "Do I love Him?" Time in His word is an integral part of loving Jesus.

He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him. John 14:21

 God opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble.”
  Submit yourselves, then, to God.  James 4:6b-7a

To draw near i must first humble myself and submit to Jesus and repent of sin to clear my ears. As i pray bringing requests to Him, I draw near in faith, believing God is good, all-wise, perfect and holy. I am believing He answers from His infinite store of wisdom and perfection. God pours out His grace on me as i humble myself admitting i am guilty of sin and need forgiveness. Grace is not without great cost. Jesus death at Calvary fulfilled God's standard paying my debt in full that I may draw near to Him so He will draw near to me. God who spoke galaxies into being and sustains the universe by His word, desires to draw near to me? How can this be?

Too many think lightly of sin, and therefore think lightly of the Savior. CS

...give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11b

Establish Your word to Your servant,
         As that which
produces reverence for You.
Psalm 119:38

There was a young woman who was praying about and struggling with some things in her life. I ask her what God had said to her about it. She stared blankly. Finally she said,' I haven't heard Him say anything.' I ask her if she was in God's word. She replied 'occasionally'. It is impossible to hear Him speak to our hearts if we spend more time talking to Christians about our problems than time with 
God in His word and prayer. Am i willing to pay the cost to pursue Christ? Am i willing to stand strong in His word? Satan's desires to wean you from God's word allowing him to wedge his foot in the door weakening your faith. Good intentions will never taxi you into God's Presence. Taste and see the Lord is Good. We do not have to work to spend time with one we love... cry out to Him for a hunger and pray for an undivided heart. ( Let Him expose any idols that have misplaced Him and repent. He will renew your heart as you surrender yourself into His hands. You are not your own you are bought with a price.

My  son (daughter), if you will receive my words
         And treasure my commandments within you, 
   Make your ear attentive to wisdom,
         Incline your heart to understanding;  
    If you seek her as silver
         And search for her as for hidden treasures; 
    Then you...  discover the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:1-2, 4-5

Read the opening verse again. On the surface familiar words... down deep unfamiliar. Questions? Yes! It says, when i draw near, He draws near to me, is this not an invitation to me, His beloved, to spend time with Him? Am i finding His nearness my good? Am i hearing the love in His voice as He opens His arms to me? (These are not just words, but living, probing, searing, exposing, inviting words of Omnipotent God inviting me to come) What is 'near'? Is it praying? reading His Word? Or is it possible to draw near in mundane practical ways?  in serving others?  How do i draw near? What are the results of drawing near? Can I draw near and not worship? (Never!) When i sense His nearness do i act on it and let your love enfold me? Is there a condition to drawing near? Can i know God's attributes unless I am in His word? What do i lose by not drawing near?

 God is for me. He desires always to lift me up, draw me near. Bless and encourage me. I bow.

Abba, Daddy, Keeper of the stars, breath Giver, Lover of my soul, Holy is your name. You who draw near as I draw near to You! I draw near to worship, to drink in Your beauty and just be near You. When i sense Your nearness Lord i am chagrined and find You terrify me. I long for You to hide me near your heart for i am silenced by Your greatness. Reverence for you consumes me. I am inadequate to respond to You who are Almighty and cannot be measured. Your glory would consume this clay vessel!
Teach me to open myself to Your Spirit's filling, as i count myself dead to sin and alive in Christ. I long to know you intimately. You are my strength and Refuge. I pray You will establish my sisters in Your word  producing reverence for You. You love them immeasurably and long for them to draw near. Quicken their spirits to respond to You with courage and faith. I give You praise in the Name of Jesus, amen

Drawn to Him who is Majestic in Holiness and loves perfectly,


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