Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our Deliverer Brings Life

God is to us a God of deliverances  Psalm 68:20

Sing to the LORD, praise the LORD!
         For He has delivered the soul of the needy one
         From the hand of evildoers. Jer 20: 13

Greetings to those who Love our Savior,

Stress, sickness, pain, decisions, surgery, loss, dependence on others..... adjectives such as these describe a part of our life here on earth and cause me to raise my voice in thanksgiving that I am not home yet! I remember my daughter singing with a friend one summer, "this world is not my home I'm just a passin' through my treasures are laid up some where beyond the blue". But while here all of us will experience sorrow and trusting Him we will not miss the benefits. 

 "God has one Son without sin, but not without sorrow." AS

My precious LORD knows the struggle i face and loves me enough to allow circumstances to work life-lessons in me. My Father is ever watchful over me, whether or not i sense His care. He disciplines and prunes me to create the likeness of His Son Jesus in me. Suffering creates a 'need' which propels me to seek Jesus with all my heart, leaning hard into Him. My toughest sorrow is that of lost loved ones in my family.

We all know what it is to have loved ones who either do not know Christ or those who at one time received Him and are choosing to live in sin. This suffering may seem endless as we wait on God, He alone knows whether they have an personal relationship with Him. Do you ever feel like you have 'run out' of ways to pray for them? My third child has chosen to rebel and turn to embrace a sinful life style for over 25 yrs, producing frequent crises. As i prayed scripture for her, "Deliver her from evil men and women who do not have faith. Deliver her from all that is too strong for her." I saw the word deliver in a new way.  Right in the middle of the word deliver is the word evil (written backwards).

 The Son of God came to Deliver us from satan and evil and rescue us drawing us to Himself that we might live. I then looked and saw the word live right in the middle of the word 'deliver'. Christ shed His blood that we might triumph over evil and live! The Cross has forever sealed His victory over satan and evil. His arm is not shortened that it cannot save. All praise to Him who became sin for us, who knew no sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (II Cor 5:21)  That is a WOW and I am dancing!

If we had been there on the day He was crucified and saw Him beaten beyond recognition and all that He suffered for us, would we ever question His love for us? Believing He is Love would we think His love not enough? Or that His love made wrong choices when He allowed our suffering? I thought of how He experienced losses, rejection, gossip and slander, misunderstanding, great temptation and was murdered. He knows what it is to live on earth. He is all-wise and loves perfectly.  

We cannot do good to others without tasting affliction; it is the price we pay for being able to sympathize. A helper must first be a sufferer that we might comfort those with the comfort we have received from God. The school of suffering graduates rare scholars.

"Well, it is but a little while and He will appear to answer all inquiries and to wipe away all tears. I would not wish, then, to be of those who had none to wipe away, would you?" -J.H.T

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. II Cor 1:4

Almighty One, who is my Deliverer, Majestic One who whispers Your love to my heart, I bow in awe of Your power and mercy, for these do not clash but open the door to Truth of who You are. You know exactly what to allow in my life to work a teachable spirit in me. I fight You when I should surrender and run from You rather than turn towards You! You never weary of me... or force my will, but patiently wait for me to come. You are all the riches I will ever want or need. I pray for each woman who comes to draw near. Lift her up. Hold her. Carry her. Keep her. Deliver her that she might live in all You have provided for her. Give her courage this day to keep on doing what pleases You. Fill her with a hunger to be in Your word and feed on Your Truth. Blessed be Your Holy Name Awesome One. I love you

My sisters I pray for each one of you,


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