Friday, June 18, 2010

Faith comes by Hearing and Hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17

But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, “Lord, help me!” Matthew 15:25 NLT
Dear, dear Sisters in our Lord,
Jesus withdrew from crowds and Pharisees trying to entrap Him. Yet this woman searched Him out; coming to Him with her need. Her request met a silence cloaked in what appears an insult at first glance! Followed by an answer hard to decipher. Did the Lord respond to this woman to destroy her faith or develop it? She certainly had heard about this miracle working Man... had she heard Him speak to the crowds? Seen Him heal others? Open blind eyes? Faith needs facts to rest upon. E.H.
On what ground is our faith tested? It is on the ground of our very relationship with God and God's acceptance of us. Our enemy exerts his effort on this point interfering with our link with God. Jesus is this link. In ourselves we have nothing to offer. Our focus, our trust, our provision into the Holy of Holies is Jesus Christ and what He did at Calvary. This woman was not a Jew and did not have that special link.
I think of her amazing persistence in the face of such rejection by the disciples: “Send her away! Get rid of her!” I wonder if I would have turned and fled. I admire her faith, it seemed to grow. She bows in worship (R.V.) I thought of a quote by JB Stoney: “Real faith is always increased by opposition, while false confidence is damaged and discouraged by it.” Jesus did not allow her to come to Him on Jewish ground as she was a Gentile. Her address of Him reveals her faith that He is Messiah, Son of David. And her humility cries out “Have mercy on me”.
This spoke to my heart today. Often the Lord does not answer my prayers as I expect. Not in my timing or according to what I want and there is temptation to discouragement. I hold Him to my expectations instead of seeking His will and what will bring Him glory. Why do I so often think I know best? Pride! 'I know whom I have believed' and He is never mistaken or careless but answers perfectly as I trust Him. Why is it so easy to depend on my foolish perspective which is accompanied by the flux of emotions that buckle like hot pavement in mid-summer? Our Lord is Sovereign, all-wise and so good.
Here is a heart moving quote that I hope blesses your socks off with Truth. May the Lord work in us both to will and to do, so that conquering the natural inclination of our weak hearts, we shall turn our disappointments to causes and occasions for worship. A.C.
This woman cast all her care on Him, experienced renewed intercession and acceptance and worshiped Him. Relive this story. Place yourself in her position searching Jesus out. Come to Him in humility with deep heart-cries. Allow the 'silence' or 'delayed answers' to such prayer (which seem to be on hold or unheard) to grow your faith and bring your heart to worship!
Dear woman,” Jesus said to her, “your faith is great. Your request is granted.”Matt 15:28
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6
Dear Abba, I am in awe of Your perfection and Holiness. Thank You for providing a way for me to come with confidence before Your throne and know You will answer in perfect timing, the perfect answer, for You do not withhold any good thing from those who walk uprightly, those who are in Christ and walk in Your Spirit. You bend low to lift me up! You carry me, You heal me, You give me wisdom and pour out Your lovingkindness on me. Thank you seems so insignificant. I bow in worship....

Faith comes by Hearing and Hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17

But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, “Lord, help me!” Matthew 15:25 NLT
Dear, dear Sisters in our Lord,
Jesus withdrew from crowds and Pharisees trying to entrap Him. Yet this woman searched Him out; coming to Him with her need. Her request met a silence cloaked in what appears an insult at first glance! Followed by an answer hard to decipher. Did the Lord respond to this woman to destroy her faith or develop it? She certainly had heard about this miracle working Man... had she heard Him speak to the crowds? Seen Him heal others? Open blind eyes? Faith needs facts to rest upon. E.H.
On what ground is our faith tested? It is on the ground of our very relationship with God and God's acceptance of us. Our enemy exerts his effort on this point interfering with our link with god. Jesus is this link. In ourselves we have nothing to offer. Our focus, our trust, our provision into the Holy of Holies is Jesus Christ and what He did at Calvary. This woman was not a Jew and did not have that special link.
I think of her amazing persistence in the face of such rejection by the disciples: “Send her away! Get rid of her!” I wonder if I would have turned and fled. I admire her faith, it seemed to grow. She bows in worship (R.V.) I thought of a quote by JB Stoney: “Real faith is always increased by opposition, while false confidence is damaged and discouraged by it.” Jesus did not allow her to come to Him on Jewish ground as she was a Gentile. Her address of Him reveals her faith that He is Messiah, Son of David. And her humility cries out “Have mercy on me”.
This spoke to my heart today. Often the Lord does not answer my prayers as I expect. Not in my timing or according to what I want and there is temptation to discouragement. I hold Him to my expectations instead of seeking His will and what will bring Him glory. Why do I so often think I know best? Pride! 'I know whom I have believed' and He is never mistaken or careless but answers perfectly as I trust Him. Why is it so easy to depend on my foolish perspective which is accompanied by the flux of emotions that buckle like hot pavement in mid-summer? Our Lord is Sovereign, all-wise and so good.
Here is a heart moving quote that I hope blesses your socks off with Truth. May the Lord work in us both to will and to do, so that conquering the natural inclination of our weak hearts, we shall turn our disappointments to causes and occasions for worship. A.C.
This woman cast all her care on Him, experienced renewed intercession and acceptance and worshiped Him. Relive this story. Place yourself in her position searching Jesus out. Come to Him in humility with deep heart-cries. Allow the 'silence' or 'delayed answers' to such prayer (which seem to be on hold or unheard) to grow your faith and bring your heart to worship!
Dear woman,” Jesus said to her, “your faith is great. Your request is granted.”Matt 15:28
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6
Dear Abba, I am in awe of Your perfection and Holiness. Thank You for providing a way for me to come with confidence before Your throne and know You will answer in perfect timing, the perfect answer, for You do not withhold any good thing from those who walk uprightly, those who are in Christ and walk in Your Spirit. You bend low to lift me up! You carry me, You heal me, You give me wisdom and pour out Your lovingkindness on me. Thank you seems so insignificant. I bow in worship....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Focus: Christ or Victory?

 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Heb 4:16

Dear Sisters who are called to draw near......                                                  June 13, 2010

There are days when I can sing and feel that my leaf shall not wither, well-watered days. There are days I feel like a bit of dried-up grass. There is a heaviness in arriving at the end of a week feeling there are hours, even days, wasted as I struggled in the fray just to keep my balance. After feeble attempts to 'apply' His Word, without noticing, my focus waggles from 'fixing my eyes on Him' to a fixed concentration on achieving spiritual 'victory'. The enemies unfailing temptation! 
Why am I slow to recognize his tricks?  Shouldn't I even expect this time-worn tactic and skillfully avoid it? Nay, it works  time and again. This plays on my need to 'do' something in my own strength', a need indigenous to the human heart. The enemy cares only that he succeeds in getting my eyes off Christ. The Holy Spirit faithfully reminds me spiritual Victory is something I 'receive' not something I produce. Our hope for Victory is not 'Christ plus my efforts' but 'Christ plus my receiving'. C.T.  It is  God's Provision! God can accept nothing from my flesh. He accepts only that which is from His Son. There is such freedom in this!

Suffering is not meant by God to be loss and deprivation. Satan says it is. God means suffering to result in increased spiritual capacity.... The branch of the vine may bleed from the drastic pruning and feel stripped of much glory; but more and better fruit is the vine dresser's vindication. M.S.

Thankfully, God sees our heart and understands our struggle to please Him. We easily become side-tracked in self-effort to live the Christian life. Living by our feelings we become demanding. Is God somehow obligated to answer prayer if we "believe" hard enough? We place God on our plan and do not even see our presumption and unbelief. Where is faith in this? It often takes more faith to receive a 'no' from God than an instant healing!

 I was amazed as I read Psalm 55, King David was overwhelmed and cried out to God. He longed for dove's wings to fly away. ( I know I have!) He longed to escape life's paralyzing fear. This warrior-king, shaking in his sandals, turns to God with his fears, complaints and murmuring! David states God hears and redeems him in peace. Amazing. Without hesitation he falls on his knees spewing out all his complaints. Have you ever felt so welcome before the throne you dare to pour out your heart and your complaints? Nice Christians do not complain do they? I own that I struggle in this. How precious to read such comfort and know God understands and rescues his loved ones.

Ps 55:16-18
   As for me, I shall call upon God,
         And the LORD will save me. 
    Evening and morning and at noon, I will complain and murmur,
         And He will hear my voice. 
    He will redeem my soul in peace from the battle which is against me,
         For they are many who strive with me. (David)

 He knows when life is a struggle and that I long to live in His victory! I long to please Him and want others to see nothing of stone, thorn, hurt, fear and dejection but only the greatness of His provision as I rest content in Him. His joy my strength and this joy comes in knowing Him and His word. I learn to trust Him in my trials knowing trials encountered in my life are from His hand. There are no 2nd causes for all must pass through His hand before it reaches me. Fear not, dear sister; hold firm, stand on the Truth of His word and He will faithfully take you step by step, preparing You and empowering You. And in all of this fulfilling His purpose for you: creating in you the likeness of His Son. Every trial, every disappointment, every loss, every dashed hope, every diagnosis, every hard thing He allows has purpose and comes from Him who hung the world on nothing and holds it all together...  We are so blessed! He makes no mistakes, He is all-wise, He has no weakness, He is never confused, He is never out of control, never too busy and never out of resources and He is completely trustworthy. (partial paraphrase of Pastor Troy Dobbs last point from Nehemiah 9:10)

Whenever I cling to anyone or anything other than Christ I reap disappointment. Man sees my actions but only God my motives. As I taste of His burning love for me, what do I care about my own gain or loss? (but I do!) Am I not often disturbed or irritated with others, even critical because I am not completely dead to self and I must daily take up my cross, counting myself dead to sin and alive to Him. I am welcome before the throne and come with confidence, confessing sin and seeking Him. How amazing is our God. As wicked as my heart can be there is cleansing in His blood. There are no words to explain such an amazing loving provision. I am loved, amazing. 

Father-God, Who am I that You should bend low and lift me up? Why am I welcome to pour out my complaints before You? How desperately needy I am. I lack any righteousness that would make me acceptable to You. I am in awe of You Lord. You have hidden me with Christ! You see me as You see Your own, Son, perfect! Thank You for the costly righteousness You provided that I may come with confidence to seek Your Presence. I bow in praise that I do not have to try fruitlessly to earn Your acceptance. Your love for me is not altered by what I do right or what I do wrong. I can never give You cause to love me.... but I am immeasurably, intensely loved by You who are beautiful beyond description. I bow and cry holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty. In Your Son's name You hear and accept my prayer. amen

Psalm 25:6-7
Remember, LORD, your great mercy and love, 
       for they are from of old... 
       according to your love remember me, 
       for you, LORD, are good.

We are so loved!  az