So then faith comes by
hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17
Brothers and Sisters in the
September 12, 2012
The object of our faith in
God is that we would be focused on the object of the Father—His Beloved Son
Jesus. Our faith and praise and worship will always come back to His Person,
who He is and what He has done. Though the primary thought in our hearts is not
what we have gained, though it was much, but what He has been for us and what
He is now, yes, who He is in Himself.
How often is
our occupation with the Lord Jesus for the relief of the conscience, and if so,
where does it stop? I t stops when the relief is gained. But if He is the object of the heart, you will never be satisfied but in fellowship with Him where He is.
We receive life by relying
in faith upon the Savior; we grow in our Christian life by reliance upon the Holy
Spirit. Calvary is the secret of it all. It is what the Lord Jesus did there
that makes all the difference and becomes a growing force in us as we learn to rest in the finished work of Jesus.
Fruit ripens slowly.
Faith must be
based upon certainty. There must be definite knowledge of God’s purpose and
will. Without that there can be no true faith. For faith is not a force we
exercise or a striving to believe that something shall be, thinking that if we
believe hard enough it will come to pass.” ARH
Faith must rest
on facts. God’s Word reveals to us the facts with which Faith has to deal. EH
Real faith is
always increased by opposition, while false confidence is discouraged by it.
Faith is
dependence upon God. And this God dependence only begins when self-dependence
ends. And self-dependence only comes to its end, with some of us, when sorrow,
suffering, affliction, broken plans and hopes bring us to that place of
self-helplessness and defeat. JM
Dear friends, do not be
surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though
something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate
in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is
revealed. I Peter 4:12-13
We are not only surprised,
we are offended! Our lack of faith
must hurt our faithful Savior but it certainly does not surprise Him. God holds
us very close to His heart when we are suffering and facing trials of all
kinds. The greatest atrocity ever to have taken place was on Calvary’s Cross,
where they crucified Jesus Christ without mercy. Those who know our Beloved
Lord as Savior will spend an eternity in joyful, endless, pleasure in the
Presence of a Holy God and we will have new spiritual bodies like His I like
that part! God our Father understands our sufferings.
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await
a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him
to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so
that they will be like his glorious body. Philippians 20-21
Eric Liddell
The flying Scotsman, the
Olympic gold medalist runner… it may be by these titles you recognize Eric. In
the movie “Chariots of Fire”, a portion of his life is revealed. What
many of you may not know is that Eric served for many years as a missionary in
China. But when the Japanese occupation made life dangerous, Eric sent his
pregnant wife and two daughters to Canada. The Japanese put him in a squalid
prison camp. He lived several years before dying of a brain tumor at age
forty-three. Eric never saw his family again. All Scotland mourned the death of
this national hero.
Questions: Why did God withhold the loving companionship of
his wife and children and not allow his own children to have a daddy while
growing up? This man who loved the Lord with all his heart and served God
faithfully. It makes no sense on this side of heaven. God trusted Him with
great suffering!
A well-known author
interviewed a woman named Margaret Holder. She was born in China to missionary
parents. In 1939 Japan took control of eastern China, soldiers separated
thirteen year old Margaret from her parents imprisoning her for six years. She
told many stories about a godly man who tutored her and the many children held
in captivity. “He brought God’s word to us”. The children in the camp loved him
for he was their inspiration. Then with tears in her eyes spoke his name and
told of his death. Eric Liddell. The children mourned Eric deeply and five
months later, when they were rescued many of their stories were about ‘Uncle
It was a tragedy for Eric to
be imprisoned, from our limited perspective. Thankfully God’s plan is His
plan. Eternity will reveal whether ministering to children in a prison camp was
as important in God’s plan as say pastoring a large church or ministering to peoples
on the mission field. It appeared Eric’s life was in the hands of the enemy.
Who could foresee the plan God had to use him in this way. There is no small
job when serving Christ.
Trust God with your trials.
He has a plan and His plan is good.
Delays and disappointments included. Trials are not punishment, but
pruning and His purposes being accomplished in you. If you have a long trial of
faith the good news is it will be only one minute at a time. When will our
sorrows end? When they end. The battle is the
LORD’s. What ever trial you face right now, it is an opportunity to again
prove Him faithful and live your songs.
Lord, fill us
with faith to trust You. Deliver us from being surprised and offended at
suffering! Teach us to thank You for our trials and trust You in the pain.
Deliver us from complaining and focusing on ourselves, as if this Christian
life is about us. Thank You for taking our trials and turning them to serve
Your will and purposes! Hallelujah! I am dancing in joy of You. How good You are! We give You
praise now and forever, in the name of Your Beloved Son, Jesus, amen.
I never knew
the comfort of God as I know it now….
You are loved! Az