Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us... Hebrews 12:1
My Beloved Sisters in the race of faith,
I spent some time with a sister who has a suffering-walk in this life. As I drove away I was reminded of the many 'testimony' services I have been in over the years; testimonies of how God changes lives, meets needs, heals disease and intervenes with amazing timing. It is joyous to hear testimonies of God's faithfulness and blessings; unless it is never your testimony. Tears fill your eyes and you feel forgotten, as though you do not matter much to God. We all know people want to hear about His amazing provision and how He rescues His children. A good God would certainly not leave them to suffer..... would He? Yet His word is brimming over with scripture about suffering.
I have often wondered how many testimonies are not given because they do not have a 'deliverance' or a answer to a heartache or trial? Is God 'not' faithful if there is no 'miracle'? Is God 'not' good if our prayers, to all appearances, are 'unanswered'? Maybe it is that we do not recognize God's hand because the answer is one we would not embrace or choose? Does it take more faith to receive a 'yes' from God or a 'no' to being healed? Is God somehow obligated to heal us? Could it possibly fit His plan to use our suffering, even our death (or both) to accomplish His will? Is God obligated to save a family member? Is God still good if you have prayed countless years and there seems to be no progress and things are worse? Is losing your job or your business punishment because God is somehow displeased with you? Could He have a higher purpose in our suffering? Is God after our happiness or our holiness? Do we sit and wait for God to be faithful in our life because of a skewed understanding of the purpose of trials or do we just want to be in control and decide how things should be? Could He be trusting us with the mystery of His will?
"Yes, He often trusts us to trust Him when it doesn't seem as if He were providing."ac
I believe God will reveal in heaven a very surprising perspective of trials and losses suffered. I am convinced the endurance of a believer, who suffers and is faithful to our Lord Jesus, is greater than a quick, temporary answer that pleases us now? Could it be endurance is the greater miracle? A saint who with joy, moment by moment keeps praising, keeps believing, keeps standing strong, keeps trusting the Father, with no visible encouragement and no end to the suffering in sight, could they be the greater testimony to God's faithfulness.
My friend and I sat and talked of God's goodness. She shared that this past two years has been a time of continual loss and more loss. I took her hands in mine with her palm up, as if in surrender and ask quietly, "Are they empty?" She hesitated a second and said, "No, but they're raised." God's Spirit filled our hearts and mouths with His praise and we celebrated. Her hand gesture and words of of faith encompassed this unspoken Truth: "I will praise Him if nothing ever changes because He is good. He is faithful. His grace is sufficient."
I am inspired by her testimony of God's faithfulness as I have watched her suffer endlessly. God has given endurance when things seemed cruel and impossible. He has poured out grace and I have witnessed in her a 'freedom in Christ" the world has never tasted. Suffering is temporal it only feels eternal.
"Never will you regret the fellowship of sufferings. There is nothing offered on earth but a cross (and what joy is folded up in that offer!) Luke 9:23 One of the hardest things in our secret prayer life is to accept with joy and not with grief the answers to our deepest prayers." ac
All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Hebrews 12:11
I pray to You Suffering One, You who poured out your blood at Calvary and opened a way for us to be with You for eternity. Our suffering and trials are not happenstance but directed by Your nail scarred hands. Thank You not one minute of suffering will ever be for naught as we trust You for the unexplained. You alone offer the fellowship of suffering and benefit our taking up our cross. Teach us to trust You and believe it is good for me to suffer affliction that I might learn your statutes. Thank You for child training us because You love us immeasurably. Wherever my sisters find themselves this week, I pray they would seek You and enjoy Your love and grace. You hold their hearts in loving, gentle hands and for this I praise You. Encourage sisters who need encouragement and strengthen those who feels so weak. I pray they will draw near to You and experience You drawing near to them. You are an awesome God and I am in awe of You Holy One, You are so good. In your Son's name I pray.