Thursday, February 7, 2013

Daily Bread

Give us this day our daily bread.’ Matthew 6:11

Brothers and Sisters, whose names are written in the book of life, greetings in Jesus,

 Wow! That sentence is overflowing with truth eternal. Our names are written in the book of life! My feet are dancing, my heart rejoicing, for He is near and because He is near, we are told to stand firm in the Lord and rejoice in the Lord always! Paul repeats his instruction: ‘Rejoice,’ and it is ‘in’ the Lord we are to rejoice. Whether circumstances encourage us to rejoice is irrelevant. We are to rejoice in the Lord and not be anxious about our circumstances but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests (circumstances) to God and the peace of God which transcends all (our circumstances) understanding, will guard your hearts and minds (with peace) in Christ Jesus.’ (Phil 4:1-7)

Just as God provided manna for the Israelites in the wilderness, giving them, their daily bread, so too, He provides our daily bread. Think outside the box and consider how and why our wonderful Savior meets our needs. Heart hunger precipitates partaking of our daily bread. God knows what we need before we ask. We cannot value heart hunger to highly. Developing heart hunger depends greatly on God’s standards being revealed to us through His word.  (Time in His word)

We advance (mature by growth) spiritually by becoming increasingly aware of what we really are (in Christ) not by trying to become what you hope to be. That goal you will never reach, no matter how much self-effort is applied.

It is when you see you are dead to sin that you die to it (daily); it is when you see you are risen, that you arise; it is when you see you are a new creation, in Him, that you (progressively) grow. Seeing the accomplished fact in the Word determines the pathway to the realizing of that fact. The only possibility of spiritual progress lies in our discovering the truth as God sees it; the truth concerning Christ, the truth concerning ourselves in Christ. wn

God carefully shows us our sin and need…. daily and waits for us to run to Him for all we need, He then reveals through His word and Spirit, who we are in Christ and what we have in Christ! What is your need today? Do you need the bread of courage? Or is it the bread of humility to apologize to someone you have hurt? What daily manna is t he Lord providing you today? Is it the daily bread of strength in your weakness? Calm for your fear? Wisdom for a misunderstanding? Or the bread of encouragement, as you find yourself at the point of giving up? I cannot count the times I have cried, ‘LORD, I can’t do this anymore.’ But the bread of Philippians 4:13 fed me. Truth: In Christ we have all we need. Carefully read this verse in Ephesians 1:3 and receive this daily bread.

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens.

God is always working for our holiness, not our happiness, as He has our best in mind. There is not a sorrow or test you will ever face that will not benefit you, if you trust Him with it.  He makes no mistakes! Suffering most often results in a hungry heart. A hungry heart is one that seeks God and finds itself on its face before the throne, in awe. Who can rape you of His promises, or twist the truth from your grasp? Who can separate you from His love?  NO one and nothing! (Romans 8: 35-39) You will not look to Him for daily bread as long as you are kneading the dough of self-confidence and heating the ovens with your own cleverness. Whatever your need, He has the exact bread you need. Look for His provision in His Word, in song, in words from a friend, or from the Holy Spirit moving in your life. ‘Tell Him all your troubles’. (Gospel tune) Look to Him.

To have life is not enough: the life of the Lord Jesus demands the death of the flesh, if that life is to be fully developed and become fruitful in us. Here is the crux of the whole matter. ms
You will know if you are willing to accept crucifixion with Christ when you are willing to count everything as loss for the sake of Christ. Paul records these rich words in the bread of Philippians 3:7-9,

“But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.”

Paul had so much to lose from the world’s perspective. All that he had worked for his entire life, he counted loss, counted it as rubbish, for the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus as LORD.  His whole attitude reflects that he was trusting Christ in difficult circumstances, for he was unfairly imprisoned in a stinking jail. Still, he rejoiced in Christ. He could not see the future to know how things would work out! Are you in a prison? Are you rejoicing or complaining? Lift up your hands to Him who knows your struggles and receive the Bread you need. Remember in Ephesians it says we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ? The Lord’s prayer says we are to ask for daily bread… now look at the words of Jesus, I love it:

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. John 6:35

What a beautiful picture emerges of Jesus, Bread of Life, all sufficient, richly satisfying and complete in His provision.

LORD, you who are the brightness of uncreated Light, You who reveal Yourself as the Bread of life, revealing to us in Your word how great You are! Enable us to apprehend You as the supply of our daily need and believingly lay hold of You Bread-Giver. Lord, we always see You through the eye of need. Thank You for the comfort Your Sovereignty brings to me. Great is Your loving kindness and goodness. You are my mighty Warrior, Lord Sabbaoth! Thank You for loving me so perfectly. Amen in Christ Jesus.


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