Monday, January 16, 2012

God's Menu Offers Humble Pie

 Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. I John 2:15-16

Fellow Believers, precious to our Lord,

The world tells us to be powerful, be strong. Our flesh fights to be in control. Control is power. The devil encourages both.

I must frequently remind myself of the Lord’s words in II Corinthians 12:9: But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
We are encouraged ‘imitate’ Christ in many of our churches, but this will eventually lead to frustration and denial. We are even instructed to ask  the question: “What would Jesus do?” and then go and do it. This sounds good but I cause no little harm when I choose to imitate Christ, for that is little more than living for Him in my own strength. This path is preferred because it has no Cross and therefore no death to self is required. My flesh is right at home, adjusting quickly to being in control. As I work to imitate the Savior, I am unaware of what is missing! Not until I fail miserably do I realize my lack of power! “My child, I have made this impossible to do in your strength. Come to me and let me fill you for it is only by the Holy Spirit’s power through you that will enable you to walk by faith.”

 Without the Cross, everything else is nothing but religious sentimentalism. Let me become one of the members of the body of the crucified Jesus Christ! FF

I read the following this week and want to pass it on. This is good!

"There would be little harm in trying to imitate Christ if such an endeavor did not hide from us what our Lord really desires; and so keep us back from 'life more abundant.' Christ has come Himself into our hearts to dwell there, and what He wants is to live His life in us, as the Apostle Paul says, 'For to me to live is Christ.' Christ was the very source and mainspring of all he was and did. What a wonderful thing this is! We would be driven to despair if Christ had simply left us an example to follow or imitate, for we have no power within ourselves to do it. We must have a new source; a new spring of action, and Christ Himself wants to be just that for us." -E.C.H.

Our relentless enemy ‘pride’ rides a fast horse! The devil himself grooms and feeds it at every opportunity. God’s word is our dearest possession and is the very Truth God uses to teach, guide and strengthening us to humble ourselves. Humility will bring a freedom and  sweet soul-rest to our faith walk. There is no faith walk without humility. To be appropriately humble is not a matter of having a worse opinion of ourselves than is accurate, nor is it talking-down about ourselves, more lowly than we are. It is certainly not in denying our gifted-ness. Humility is living with the truth of our weakness and wretchedness, as we cast ourselves at Christ’s feet, in utter despair of having any ‘fix’ in ourselves for our sinful hearts! "LORD, tear me away from myself and my vain desires!"

So that no mortal man should [have pretense for glorying and] boast in the presence of God. I Cor 1:29

People who can’t admit their strengths are also unlikely to admit their weaknesses. GT

God does not open paths for us in advance of our coming. He does not promise help before help is needed. He does not remove obstacles out of our way before we reach them. Yet when we are on the edge of our need, God’s hand is stretched out.    “When you pass through the waters…they shall not over flow you.”   Isaiah 43:2  AJF

A. Pride says: “Why me” When a trial moves into our lives.


B. Humility says: “Why not me?”

It takes time for me to move from A to B. I need time to process. O that I would grow in my relationship with the Lord, until my first response is faith, not flesh.

When God gives direction in His word, as we obey, would it not be rich with His purposes and blessing? So, when is the last time you obeyed the following admonition? Ouch!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

Father-God, You love me and measure suffering into my life so I can come to know You deeply and prove You True. I bow, for You alone  are God and know just what to allow in my life. All my trials are designed personally for me and You never make a mistake, for there is nothing but goodness in You. Fill my heart with faith to consider it pure joy to face trials of many kinds and persevere. Oh that I would not hesitate to trust You, You who left heaven’s glory and Your Father’s side, to enter the world You created, to die for the sins of mankind! As You reveal areas of pride let me be quick to agree and humble myself and receive Your cleansing.  I bow at Your feet Holy One, Thank You for being a God of compassion and Hope and Love indescribable. Blessed be Your Holy Name now and forever.

Have a week of seeking Him who loves You always,
