Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Truth is a Person

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Brothers and Sisters of the Way,

We live in a world where deceit and lying are a way of life for many people. My attention was arrested by what I heard this week, “Liars cannot worship the holy God.”  Now read this verse with a hunger to know Truth. “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:24.” (or there is no worship my emph’)

Colossians 1:6 states even our understanding of grace is by truth. “since the day you heard of it (Gospel of hope) and understood the grace of God in truth’.  

No matter how people define truth in their lives, we know from John 14:6, that ‘Truth’ is a person’. He is 'the way' not  'a' way, the Truth not a truth!

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Apply following definitions to your life, asking yourself how you live 'truth'.

The quality of being true as:
conformity to fact or reality;
exact accordance with that which is, or has been; or shall be, (exaggeration is a form of lying)
speaking what is true; freedom from falsehood,
that which is true or certain concerning any matter or subject,
honesty; accuracy, correctness, validity, factuality, authenticity.

“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” fc

Truth is not open to being twisted, redefined, or manipulated or it is not truth.
Anything said to mislead or cover up or rationalize our behavior and choices is dishonesty. To lie to someone is to do the opposite of love.

“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” ― Mark Twain

When I find myself giving in to discouragement I need to stop and ask “What lie am I believing?” Did God’s grace suddenly become less than sufficient? Has He stopped giving strength and wisdom or has the whole armor of God proven weak? Is His word suddenly just print on a page? Or is He still the God who spoke billions of galaxies into space and ruling in loving Sovereignty?

Did I suddenly stop trusting Him for the pain and trials in my life? Where then is the faith I am to walk by? We live this Christian life by faith and Truth or we are not living it at all. Thankfully He has made it impossible to live on our own and for good purpose. We need the daily bread of Him, living Truth through us. In order for this to happen I must feed on the daily bread of His word. Denying my flesh daily I take up my cross and follow Him. To take up my cross is to appropriate the truth that I am crucified with Christ, yet alive with Christ, risen with Him. Colossians 3:10 This week has been one of dancing on the edge of discouragement and looking to ‘things’ or ‘food’ for comfort. Albeit I am learning the simple act of “Say no to yourself, Arlene!”

Father who loves me more than I can fathom, it is You I hunger and thirst for... yet it is never enough! I have tasted and know You are good! I have hungered and now I hunger and thirst even more for You. You are my daily bread of life and I long for You more than ever before. I think of Moses crying out to know You by asking to see Your glory and that is my prayer, “LORD show me Your glory!” I long to know thee more deeply for You are Life and Truth. Cover my mind in the blood of Jesus and enfold me near Your heart that I might ever walk in Truth for Your glory, I pray in Jesus, my Master. Amen.

You Sisters and Brothers are loved and prayed for every week, yes every day.

Let us allow Truth to shine forth from Christ's life in us,

The comical Meekats! God has a sense of humor. Go to 'By Design' at GRAMZ KIDZ
