No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him. John 1:18
Greetings in Jesus name by
His Spirit for His glory,
I still have questions from
last week. This verse blew me away. You may have some of the same questions I
have, so read and see what answer comes. The answers will be many so enjoy and
take a moment to write out your answers and even more questions you might have
for it will bring Light and blessing to you! (To understand this devotional you
may need to go back a week and read ‘Deity Explains Deity’ from July 26-
on Dove’s Eye).
Jesus came to explain God, so
my question is: exactly what did He say?
What did His words and actions explain about God as He dealt with the woman caught in the
act of adultery?
What did He say by healing the man born blind?
What clear picture did He reveal when He calmed the storm?
What characteristic of God,
were we given a peek at when He fed
What was trumpeted when He was born in a smelly
sheep fold?
What costly Truth was unveiled from His torturous death on
the Cross?
What God-grace was laid bare in these words:
‘Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.’?
His life continually
explained His Father. God’s Word lives and continues to explain God to all who
will listen. We are to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. Asking
questions as you read His word will enhance your focus.
Ex: The wages of sin is death, but the free
gift of God is eternal life.
In Romans 6:23, what does
God reveal about Himself? us? About His holiness and perfection? How is it
offered freely? What are wages? How do sin and death correlate? Read all of
Romans 6 putting it in context.
Each question you ask is a
wonderful way to draw near. We need the Holy Spirit’s filling to live a life
that explains God; for our God is greater than all we can explain. I still must
ask: Is my life explaining Him to others? Even a small lovingkindness in word
or deed, toward a family member, reveals His Him and declares, ‘God loves you!’
Think of it, what an amazing transformation would take place in the church. One
final question: I am crucified with Christ… Gal
2:20. How would living this out in my life explain God?
“Evil and
suffering formed the crucible in which God demonstrated (explained) His love to
humankind. His love comes to us soaked in divine blood. One look at Jesus- at
his incarnation and the redemption He accomplished for us- “ RA
explains that God did not
merely empathize with our
suffering, but He, Himself suffered. The crowd lining the street watched Jesus
carry His Cross, some weeping, some cursing, many wanting this injustice
stopped, for they loved Him dearly. He did not stop the unjustice His Father ordained,
because He loved us more than ‘dearly’.
This one great, redemptive act purchased our pardon and would best explain God
more powerfully than any words. The Cross shines like a huge beacon on the dark
landscape of man’s rebellion and sin. God’s purpose in sending Jesus to live
and die, was to explain God. His death shouts Hope and Love from the Cross; exerting
thee only victory over death and sin God can accept.
God permits
what He hates to achieve what He loves. JET
happiness won’t be dependent on our ignorance of what happened on Earth; it will
be enhanced by our changed perspective… RA
Go Ye. Ye shall be my
witnesses. (you are one who explains Me!) Matt 28 and Acts 1
Father, You who
are God, Savior, Redeemer, loving us enough to die in our place, we thank you
with all our hearts. Thank You for sending Your Son in flesh and blood; to
explain to us, who are so slow to understand, that You love us and want to save
us from our sins. And not just save us eternally, but deliver us daily. This
minute. You bend low to lift us up, You pour out Your protection and grace in
abundance each day. Thank You. Why does saying ‘thank you’ just not seem to be
enough? LORD, I run to the blood, the cleansing flood that makes me whole,
protecting me. Thank You for dying in my place that I might be at home with You
forever. Until then, Lord, live this ‘explaining’
through me, Come soon Lord Jesus.
The Gospel (or Good News) message of Jesus Christ is so simple that it
alsmost defies understanding. By evidenceofdesign| 1 video