Thursday, July 26, 2012

Deity Explains Deity

 Deity Explains Deity

No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him. John 1:18

Greetings in Jesus name to all who long to know Him more deeply,

The Gospel of John is filled with precious truth. Truth of what Jesus did as He walked the earth He had created. His Word draws me to Him, revealing His humanity, His deity, and His power. From the first verse of the first chapter of John, until its last, it all shouts, “He is God”!
Question: Why did John say Jesus was the Word (not ‘a’ word)? Words communicate. My words express my heart and mind to others. This made sense then that Jesus is God’s ‘Word’ to reveal His heart and mind to us. Also, words are composed of letters and Jesus Christ is the ‘Alpha and Omega’, as it says in Revelation 1:11, the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet. He is the eternal Word existing from the eternity past. He was in the beginning, not as a creature, but as thee eternal Creator. ‘Before Abraham was I am.” John 8:58 Jesus was born in the flesh, lived a perfect life and died a perfect death, as the perfect Lamb of God. Verse 18 grabbed my heart in a merry dance, filling my mind with more questions!
If you are like me, you like to have things explained. I appreciate understanding the how and why of things and a good explanation is invaluable to achieve that. Now hang on this is good! After stating in John 1:14, ‘(Jesus), became flesh, and dwelt among us’, John follows with this amazing statement (don’t miss this) in John 1:18:
‘No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.

Question: What? Jesus came to ‘explain’ God to a world that loved darkness more than the Light, because their deeds were evil? (John 3) Having read this many times, I had not previously noticed this verse until it jumped off the page aggravating my need to understand what was said. 'God explained God?’

I am reminded of the times my grandson got in trouble, his first words regardless of the situation were, ‘I know how it looks, but I can explain’. He couldn’t always explain. His actions silently influenced his explanation, for an explanation is more than words. He came to earth to explain God by living among us, by His words and deeds, His Loving-kindness, His miracles, His forgiveness, His grace and His power. Jesus life and words spoke volumes. The Cross being the Lord’s most poignant explanation to mankind.
Question for you: What exactly did He explain in his death and resurrection? What does it explain to you about God? In His written word the Holy Spirit declares the Truth of God to any heart that will humble itself. God loves you so much He took time to ‘explain’ Himself to you! Explained so clearly and completely I could understand and receive the gift of eternal life and be cleansed from sin in His blood. Hear me and let Truth bull-doze any walls you have built.

Question: Why would a Holy God bend low and explain anything to rebellious mankind? Only His love and goodness could so move Him. Does this move you to tears over the wealth of His goodness to you?

Question: Why does it take such a long time to realize that all is darkness outside of the Light of Christ?  
When the eye is turned away from the Lord Jesus darkness must set in. It is having the Lord Jesus as our Object, which alone gives us the power of truth. W.K.
Question:  Because He is the Light of the world and came to ‘explain’ God to a lost world, and He dwells in me, am I also called to explain Him?

‘Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and ___________. … (put these 3 words in blank “see God explained” ) Matthew 5:16

‘We continually ask God to fill you… so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work Col 1:9-10

I am to let my light shine as the Holy Spirit empowers me and produces His fruit in me because the plan to explain God to the world is still God’s plan and I am part of it! Galatians 5:22-23

Question: Am I fully surrendered to God so I can be used to explain Him to a lost world? Only as I count myself crucified with Christ.

“God of wonders, You who sent your Son from your side to explain who You are to the world, thank You. I praise You, for You declare Your glory in every sunset and sunrise. Jesus, you explained God in every word You spoke and everything You did. Your heavens declare Your glory! Now flow through me by your Spirit love through me, for Your love explains You. Thank You for my dearest treasure   Your written Word for it continues to explain who You are to all who’ll listen. Thank You for when I will see You in all your glory. May Your name be blessed forever! John 1:17-18 has filled my heart with a burning desire to live to explain You. I cry Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty.  I pray in the name of your Son Jesus, for He alone can explain You. amen    

The next time you look in the mirror stop and say: ‘I am part of God explaining Himself to the world!’ Blows you away, huh? Me too.


The Gospel (or Good News) message of Jesus Christ is so simple that it alsmost defies understanding. By evidenceofdesign| 1 video