Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world. I Peter 5:8-9
To you who love the LORD!
This a familiar verse to many of us, yet one specific word jumps out and grabs my attention: ‘accomplished’. Read it again…  we are to stand firm in our faith, resisting the devil, knowing the same experience of faith is being ‘accomplished’ by our brethren throughout the world. Why did they choose the word accomplish? It sounds as if we are in a race and managed to win or we have set a goal and are focusing all our efforts on completing something in which we delight! I liken this to accomplishing the knitting of a beautiful sweater! Is that how we are to view suffering? Something we accomplish? Has anyone ever asked, “ Have you accomplished your suffering this week?
I had to look and see Strongs definition: “to bring to an end, accomplish, perfect, execute, complete”.
Oh how this speaks deeply to my hear! When I choose to live for Christ, I walk straight into the crucible of suffering. Suffering I must accomplish. We are bringing to an end, bringing to completion, perfecting Christ’s sufferings. Does He not suffer with us in all we go through? Does He not put our tears in a bottle?
Isn’t it also interesting that Jesus was called the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the devil who prowls around looking to kill, steal and destroy is also called a lion? Albeit a roaring lion. We see the enemy  prowling after our children. Our enemy comes also as an angel of light to counterfeit God Truth and lead us astray. We must be diligent to stay in His word remembering He is our loving LORD, our Redeemer, All-wise, All-good, All-powerful and He is very near.
We are instructed to resist him, firm in our faith. If we do not stand firm in our faith we will not stand at all. When John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus if He were the One. He must have been discouraged and oppressed by the enemy. John was used to wide open space and blue skies and fresh air. He was an outdoors-man now stuck in a stinking cell, away from all he loved. Jesus sent a report back “go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up… Blessed is he who does not take offense in me.” (are not offended by what I allow in their life). Luke 7:20-23.
John was encouraged by the report, but was he was looking for quick rescue. Earthly rescue did not come… he was put to death, his prison doors were flung open and he was free. The same LORD who did all this pours out His grace and mercy over us daily.
 Do not be offended by the suffering He allows instead hear this promise anew: Romans 8:18: I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. He will use 'all' for our good and His glory. Doesn’t your heart long for His glory? Keep in His word and He will give you discernment that will keep you from being  deceived.
The devil is continually trying to discourage, but the loving Lord of all of us is continually encouraging. Ac
When satan whispers that you have lost the battle or your failure has disqualified you from God’s love, remember the battle is not ours, the battle is the Lord’s and He has never lost a battle. No never and He never will. Let us be faithful and speak boldly in the name of our Savior, Jesus. Share your faith with others this week. If we have burned the ships, what are we waiting for? Whatever you face today the, battle is the Lord’s, our dread Warrior!
Daddy, You who always have our well being as Your priority, because You love us immeasurably, remove every barrier to our walking in surrender to Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for your loving watch-care over us. For when we are possessed with doubt, Your loving kindness has us in Your grip.  Work in us Your will and give us faith to receive Your strength to accomplish our sufferings, for without you we can do nothing. Blessed be Your Name O King. amen
Much love to each and every one who visits this site, may you be blessed abundantly,
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The Gospel (or Good News) message of Jesus Christ is so simple that it almost defies understanding. By evidenceofdesign| 1 video Watch