Criticize: judge with severity; find fault with. -To act as a critic.
critic: one who forms and expresses judgments of the merits, faults, value or truth of a matter. A person who finds fault; a severe judge (of others). From Greek: 'able to discern'
... if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. I Cor 13:2
My dearest Sisters who love our Lord,
Is there a certain struggle in your life that you continue to trip over? One thing you would like to boot out of your life 'never to return' ? A besetting sin? Then you can relate to my struggle.
Besetting: Surrounding; besieging; waylaying. Habitually attending, or pressing; as a besetting sin.
I want to love Him so perfectly! The difficulty is loving others. The enemy is very successful in tripping me up through my pride which is readily revealed in a critical spirit. Instead, I should be growing in an ability to judge my heart- weighing my motives warily, as I allow God to search and know me. A critical spirit is birthed in insecurity. Spurred on by a desire to look better than I am.
This is a relentless and flagrant battle with the flesh. Truthfully I wonder... "Who do I think I am?"
There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor? James 4:12
My critical spirit was revealed recently where I teach. There is a student who claims Christ as Savior. I discern a spirit of sensuality in her (dress and attitude) a subtle manner of manipulation in her need to get attention of male students. I have prayed much about this. It really bothers me that she, a Christian, pursues a godly, married man, as she goes through divorce. It also affects others I love, whom I have prayed for many years. My co-teacher (not a believer) has seen her behavior and mentioned it to me. Biting my tongue to keep from gossiping isn't always effective and it doesn't quench a critical spirit. I began resenting this woman who was in my opinion, a blatantly poor testimony to a friend I want to see come to Christ. I was frustrated! A critical spirit crouched, at the door of my heart, ready to spring. God spoke specifically to my heart revealing a sinful attitude and pride. Ouch!
'When we judge other, our efforts are totally in vain. Why? Because we are not God, and so we cannot really know the heart of another. Nor do we know how God plans to work in that person's life, possibly even using their weakness or sin to break them and turn them to Himself. We judge foolishly, because we do not see the end of God's dealings yet." TaK
These words hit the mark. Weeping, I saw the ugliness of 'judging' in the Light of Him. Judging others closes me off from being 'fit for the Master's use' and from being His vessel of grace to the one I am judging. God's judgement will not fail to come in His time. I have heard it said "Our judgment is full of the worm holes of self love! His is pure. We judge by ourselves. He judges by love."
Often I think we judge because we didn't get our own way, some one has crossed our will or violated our standards! Judgment belongs to God. Whatever my reason 'I have circled this mountain (of a critical spirit) long enough and need to move on.'
You have circled this mountain long enough. Now turn north, Deut 2:3
High and lifted up One,
You, who are holy and pure, You, who judge righteously, change me, enable me to live the crucified life. Free of judging others. You have given me a discerning spirit that I might pray, not criticize. The next time I begin to criticize drive me to my knees instead. Purge me that I might be fruitful. The fruit of your Holy Spirit, not my effort to live to please You. Thank You for allowing me to feel my need, keep me from trying to supply it by my own means. Thank You that Your love for me is unaffected by what I find in my flesh. This prideful self-discovery causes Your sweet Person to be more necessary to my heart. And I rejoice in You, your perfection and beauty and power and love. Oh, how I praise You for grace that is sufficient. Not 'was' or 'will be someday', but 'is' sufficient. Ever present grace for every second. May this grace touch each sister that she will know Your love and awesome Presence today.
Prayerfully lifting you up my Sister,