Sunday, December 22, 2013



 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing. For the glory of your name, O Lord, preserve my life.
 Because of your faithfulness, bring me out of this distress. Psalm 143:10-11

Dear Brothers and sisters,

Change can be devastating for this reason:  most real change happens through crisis. It is like crisis is required. Real change rarely happens without crisis. Think back over your life, what has had the most powerful impact resulting change in your life?
Crisis come in many sizes… whether it is moving, losing a job or some other great loss such as a pet, or your reputation has been successfully attacked, or it may be a child has stubbornly gone astray wounding you deeply. Another painful time is the death of a beloved family member. Or it could be a tear in a family relationship resulting in a deep, bloody tear in your heart. Things we have no control over can beat us up, leaving us tearfully black and blue and betrayed. The enemy of our souls isn’t particular about using his weapons against us, as he knows just what to use in his diabolical attack. He senses where we are weak. He wants us discouraged, hopeless, and fearful.

When we know Jesus personally and have the sustaining power of the LORD, He holds our hand and walks right beside us; at times He even carries us, protecting and providing in ways we could never imagine. It is then we are given ample opportunity, because of our trials, to prove Him! Prove He is faithful, absolutely, completely and always. Our mind is the vehicle the Holy Spirit uses and so we must keep our minds renewed. I shared about the battle for our minds last week… but this is so important I must pursue it further. I have been in a non-stop battle for my mind this week and wonder if it will ever end. I know I am being given opportunity to count myself dead to sin and chose with my ‘will’ to trust Him who never fails. How?  I am to see in every situation a chance to die. (to self, my flesh)

What does faith look like in crisis?  E. Hopkins writes:”  “Faith needs facts to rest upon.” It is on this basis that JBS can say “Real faith is always increased by opposition, while false confidence is damaged and discouraged by it.”

 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. I Peter 1:6-7

It may not have occurred to us that much of what we have considered a ‘natural’ disability such as confusion in the use of our mind, is really the enemy battling for our minds, knowing that if he can disable us and control our thinking he has won a huge victory over us. A mind that is not renewed is prey for use by the predator. As I have said, repentance, a change of mind, is the beginning, there is more; our minds must be renewed in His word daily. This is war. He wants to destroy every testimony, every family that loves and serves Jesus. The Bible says Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy. One way is to deceive and blind our children to truth and divide our families.

We must recognize we have an old sin nature we are born with, that is capable of any sin, and unbelief (of God’s word) is the most rampant sin. Our mind can only be renewed in His word. Hear me! The unrenewed mind is part of the old nature in us. That is why the Bible teaches us when we are ‘in’ Christ we are new creations. Trust God to give you a renewed mind and feed your mind with Truth, with God’s living word; while remembering the “mind” is the strategic battle ground and the devil will never give up. Never.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. II Corinthians 5:17

The enemy is actively at work seeking to disable the mental powers of God’s children and he does this through the strain of conflict, trials, and crisis! This is war and so God has provided armor. Put on the whole armor of God…. Ephesians 6:10-18
If you have never taken your mind out of the control of the enemy, do so now! Many of us know our minds are not under God’s control and by faith we can receive a new mind. In fact the Bible says we have the mind of Christ when we receive Him as Savior and invite Him into our lives; believing He died for our sins and shed His blood that we may be forgiven. I John 1:7-9
For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:15-16

When God is in control of our mind, we are able to decide when to speak and what to say. Here are some scriptures that will help:
Hebrews 10:16                         I Corinthians 2: 13 & 16             Philippians 2:5-8
I Peter 4:1                       Ephesians 1:18                               I Peter 1:13 niv
Roman 12:3                     II Corinthians 10:5

Pouring the Light into our mind, according to His written Word, will enable us to circumspectly and prayerfully walk with Him who is Strength and Hope daily.              

God of all, Daddy, You who know my every thought, my every word before it is on my tongue! I run to You. Renew my mind. I believe You have given me the mind of Christ, let me stand strong in faith. I know too, that whatever You have allowed in my life, You plan to use in my life, for my good and Your glory! This includes whatever uninvited crisis I am facing. Just like a small child, I put my hand in Yours and trust You to work in the lives of those I love. Where there is misunderstanding, bring clarity of thought. Where there is hurt, heal. Where they may be believing a lie, bring the Light of Your Truth. You are the mighty God, move in ways I am not even able to think of and bring hearts to the Light, so they will see You love them and sent Your Son Jesus to die to set them free. We have sinned, You are the Sin-bearer. And lastly and so important, help me get into Your word daily that I may renew my mind and receive Your strength and the peace and living hope, You speak of in Your word. I want to thank You for loving me unconditionally and eternally. In the Name of Jesus the Holy One, I pray expectantly, amen

In Your love now and forever,

 We have 5 million receptors in our nose as humans, deer have 300million!! Go to Gramz Kidz and click on 'By Design' and check out God's amazing creation in this mammal!