My dearest Sisters, Beloved of the LORD,
This past few weeks I have been pondering the sacredness of the moment. This moment. It is all we have. I am set apart by Him to live a life consecrated to His will. Sacred. Each moment a divine connection to all that is eternal because my position is 'in' Christ before the Father. It was Christ's great work at the Cross which brought us to the Father. As believers we are not going to Hell, but do we realize positionally we are already in heaven? We are 'in' Christ and there for, in the Father's presence. Jesus death, His blood, His ascension, the sacrifice Lamb reigning from the Throne reveal one thing... we dwell in the Father's presence now. Eternal life doesn't begin when we breathe our last, it is now.
If there be progress upward (heavenly) there must be progress in life and ways down here; you cannot see the need for a change in your ways here until you are transformed by the influence of nearness to Him there. You thus gradually find things here are not suitable for the order and nature of the things which are so attractive to the renewed heart up there.JBS
The blessed position of a Christian is, that he has died even to the best things of the world, religious or otherwise, and he is alive to the highest things in the presence of the Father; for the Lord Jesus Christ is his life, in whom he is hidden. W.K.
Do you believe this? Embracing this Truth changes everything. I have come to realize I am camped in enemy territory. This is war. The biggest problem is that we are sheep. As I meditated on Psalm 23 this morning I heard it with my heart. As a sheep I am needy, selfish, weak, foolish and fearful; in great need of a Shepherd. The most common place I have heard this Psalm is at a funeral. I refuse to think of it as a funeral Psalm any longer; this is God's word for the living. I encourage you to read it expectantly.
Do you need Rest? Quiet? Restoration? Are their enemies in the camp (Fears or stubbornness)? Do you need to be still, stop the frenzied activity? Do you need to stop focusing on others and fix your eyes on the Shepherd? Psalm 23 overflows with abundant hope, strength, rest and peace. Let it flow over you and through calling you to be still and draw near the Shepherd; allowing His love to wrap around you because He enjoys you near.
Try focusing on the verbs and it will lift you up as they cover every area of need we experience. And vs 4 caused me to 'Bless His Holy Name!" Look at this:
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me... vs 4
The first two words quickened my spirit. Place a blank after these two words and fill it in making it personal. Even though____________.... I will not fear. Why? You are with me. (The word 'will' indicates it is a choice of your 'will', not your feelings) EX: Even though I am lonely or even though I have failed, even though I am facing serious health issues, loss of a job, financial distress, death of a loved one.... ' even though' I will choose to trust You! A faith statement, irregardless of how you feel, for Who is with us? The Good Shepherd, who knows us by name and loves us immeasurably! "I pray LORD you will fill each heart with faith to believe this without reservation." And I want to encourage you to read Psalm 23 once a day in as many versions as available for at least a week. (See attachment with different versions of Psalm 23)
It is a wonderful thing to so enjoy the Shepherd, to be so satisfied with Him and find Him enough, we can say, “The LORD is my Shepherd, I have all that I need... for He is with me." This moment is sacred for He lives in me, I am His temple. I am absolutely dependent on Yeshua my Savior.
The Lord Jesus stood where I was and now I stand where He is, and that is the only place I have before my Father. We may fail and grieve the Holy Spirit, but that is where we are set. J.N.D.
Satisfier of our hearts, I come to You who are goodness and lovingkindess. You who are intentional in Your plans and loving watch-care over me. I am more in awe of You ever day and long to see You face to face. I rejoice because You are with me. I rejoice even though life is hard. No matter how I fill in the blank You are with me and You are the rejoicing of my heart. I lift up my sisters and pray You will speak in ways they could not imagine as they read Your words to them. I pray in the tender Name above all names, Jesus. Amen
In the sacredness of this moment, az
* If you get this via email also, go to your email and print out the attachment of 6 different versions of Psalm 23. |