Thursday, March 17, 2011

Facts and Truth

 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! 
   How unsearchable his judgments, 
   and his paths beyond tracing out! 
 “Who has known the mind of the Lord? 
   Or who has been his counselor?” 
 “Who has ever given to God, 
   that God should repay them?”
 For from him and through him and for him are all things. 
   To him be the glory forever! Amen. Romans 11:33-36

My precious Sisters in Christ Jesus,

Have you ever driven in circles in a parking ramp and find your choice returns you to the now familiar, but confusing signs? (Facts) Daily i make choices that result in arriving at a place where I walk by faith, in a manner worthy of the God who calls me to Himself and to His glory or i do not. I sometimes feel like a dog chasing its tail. I exert much energy living by FACTS and energized by the flesh and arrive at zero.

 How blessed we are to have a God whose wisdom and knowledge run deep and rich; His judgments are unsearchable and His choices beyond our understanding. He never makes a mistake. Never. He is never too late, for His timing is perfect. The 'facts' declare what appears to be truth... until Truth shines its Light and we can see. I think of the words of Jesus to Thomas who, in the upper room,  after missing Jesus visit refused to believe He was alive. Even after walking with Jesus for three years toe to toe and seeing Him raise the dead, replace missing limbs and open blind eyes! He was with the disciples when Jesus returned and Thomas witnessed for himself Truth, in spite of what the facts declared. Hear this:

  Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:28-29

Thomas believed FACTS until confronted with TRUTH. No one who saw baby Jesus said, 'Wow he sure looks like God'. Those who were told this baby was God (even His own parents) when they looked at that precious drooling little mouth, the baby nose and limbs, the diapers which needed changing ( and wrinkled their noses) and His complete dependency on humans as parents; in a faith-awe asked, How can this be? How can I nurse the Son of God? How can I comfort the Holy One of Israel? How can this be the Namer of the stars? Yet they knew TRUTH and believed in great awe! Most Bible characters have such a story. Abraham believed God... though the FACTS shouted something else: Sarah's womb was a s good as dead; as was Abraham's ability to produce off-spring. The FACTS said 'impossible'. Then Truth breaks in with eye covering brightness and a baby is born from a promise: TRUTH. 

 I dare say every impossibility in Scripture resembled todays newspaper with 'FACTS' and yet each story finished with the TRUTH. What is your story? What impossibility are you wrestling as David did Goliath? Where is the TRUTH in your story? Do not be caught up in focusing on the FACTS but in faith look for TRUTH. I heard such a thought this past week and it challenged my faith-walk. My paraphrase: Sometimes the TRUTH God holds in His hands doesn't quench the pain or suffering in this life. So we mortals, who do not understand it all, need courage to go on, to believe the TRUTH even when the FACTS seem to contradict our faith or are sad, even when TRUTH hides and takes it's time and things do not change, even when there is little comfort. That's what faith is... believing TRUTH instead of following our feelings and the world's system of thinking. God calls me to faith. God calls me to TRUTH and Truth is a person. We are called to trust Him in the grief and sorrow and heart ache and even when He seems to have misunderstood my prayer and the only thing coming out of my trial is that of Romans 8:29, I am more like His Son. Really what greater result is there? God is good and God is Sovereign over every syllable of my life. Every breath i take. God never said this would be easy, in TRUTH He said it would be hard. I must Face the FACTS but keep my eyes on the TRUTH!

God... called me by His grace, to reveal His Son in me. Gal 1:15-16 

I was wonderfully surprised by a connection of two of my favorite scripture passages and these verses actually connect! Even though I have read Romans numerous times I have never seen the connection between Romans 11:33-36 with Romans 12:1-2, though they follow each other. First  God declares His unfathomable character with questions unanswerable! Then moves directly into calling us to 'present', to 'come', to 'sacrifice' who we are to this unsearchable Being, who alone, is worthy to be loved and obeyed. If you have never done that, consider doing this today. (let me  know if you do that i may pray for you) Now read starting with the opening scripture and then verses below and 'hear' what He is saying to You about Himself, about Truth and Facts, saying about you or to you my precious sisters.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2

Father God, You who are unsearchable. You who hold Truth in your hands i ask you to give me courage to believe TRUTH in the face of facts that would derail my faith. You know how fragile my faith is and how easily i doubt You as Thomas did and run from You like Jonah. Yet, You love me in ways unfathomable, undeserved and unearned. Your Sovereign goodness reigns Your grace down over me at the worst of times and the best of times. Thank You for who You are and for loving me perfectly and without condition. Who is like You? There is no God like You and i bow in awe. Keep my eyes on You for You are Truth Jesus and in Your precious name i pray.

Thank You LORD for Your goodness for it is unfathomable,
