Friday, July 9, 2010


How can I pray for you this week?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pure Olive Oil

My Sisters in the battle,                                            July 7, 2010

When you need an extra measure for the load you cannot bear;
when the road demands another mile or two.
There is grace sufficient, mounting on the wings of prayer;
with extra measure God will meet you there. -- author unknown

" Lo, I am with you always..." Matt 28:20

I am reading words I have read many times. Words so powerful they are beyond earthquake, Tsunami, tornado... yet, i must stop myself and make an effort 'hear' what a i am reading. God alone knows what my day will hold and how important this Truth will be.

 So, I cornered myself with a few questions I didn't know I had!  "Arlene, why do you come to God's word?"  "Is it that you are hungry? Or do You come to meet a specific need?"  Now, I am scrambling for answers to questions I had not considered in this way. Why do I really come?  He waits for me! and so I come to His word.... yet when I come, do I come to Him or just to His word to have my need met? I know I often come with selfish motives, rather than coming to be with Him. Also, coming to His word is the main way I to come to Him. He is the living Word and His word feeds my spirit for it is life.  He delights to meet my need and prepare me for whatever the day holds. I so want my motives to be pure..... I long to know Him intimately and in turn be an undeniable light in a dark world.

Pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn continually. Exodus 27:20

The oil to feed the lamp must be pure for the lamp to burn continually. We are His lights and only He knows what is required for us to burn purely and continually? Are we willing for whatever He deems necessary for us to be vessels unto honor, sanctified and fit for the Master's use? I cringe mentally at what 'may be' when I should be crying out: 

" Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts;
  And see if there be any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting' Psalm 139:23-24

Our Father has many reasons for administering trials- all good. Our suffering teaches us the futility of trusting in our strength and leaning on our own understanding; allowing us the privilege of proving God's faithfulness. Christians suffer the same difficulties or even worse than our counter-parts that do not know our Lord. But He is ever near to us and will carry us through. 
"The world is divided into  two things- pleasures and afflictions; I am more afraid of the pleasures than the afflictions. In affliction you turn to the Lord. The danger is of being carried away by the very favors God has given to man." MS

The cup, our Lord drank, was not from man or satan; but from His Father's hand! Nothing comes our way without first passing through our Father's hand. Nothing. Let the enemy hear songs of praise exalting our Savior though tears may mark your cheeks. He is worthy and choosing a grateful, praising spirit delights the One we come to.

Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?" John 18:11

Abba, Daddy, How unruly my heart when I shy from that which "may be"! Forgive my rebellion and how easily I am self-centered. Cast down imaginations and take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ. Cleanse me. Thank You for Your shed blood and the cleansing You provide daily that I may shine with brightness for You! I am so moved that I come to a God who is compassionate. Fill my heart with song that I may come to You and worship without ulterior motives. Hide me with Christ near Your heart that my ears may resonate with the beat of Your loving heart. You are life and breath. Let me bring You delight today. I pray in the Name of the One who allows me entrance into the Holy of holies. amen
Never alone, 