Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress;
Be gracious to me and hear my prayer. Psalm 4:1
Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! II Corinthians 13:5
Dear Brothers and Precious Sisters in our Lord Jesus,
Scripture tells us to examine ourselves. While engaging in self-examination we must be cautious not to be sidetracked by taking our eyes off Christ. The enemy will even use ‘good’ things to keep us from our true focus. My mind refused retreat as I reflected on spiritual growth. ‘Is my walk in the faith? Do my words and the tone of my voice reflect faith? How does God feel about complaining? Gossip? Lies? What about my attitude? Do I walk to be noticed and approved by men or to please God? When you cannot pry sins grip from your ankles what do you do?
The Father has left us as much dependent on the Lord Jesus work for our deliverance as for our forgiveness. It is wholly because we died with Him on the Cross (died to sin) that sin’s power for those in Him is broken.” MJS
For the last few years I have met once a week with mothers to pray for students and staff from the high school. My granddaughter was my student last year. God allowed a long, gut-wrenching test in regards to this prayer time when a mother, new to our group, joined us changing things. Even the day and time changed. I found myself annoyed with the changes and critical thoughts bombarded my mind. I was flummoxed and could not think of a single reason I should not like her, but my natural self did not sync with this woman. I am embarrassed to remember how even the way she pronounced her students name, repeating it over and over in prayer, grated on me! I bulked in my heart at being paired with her to intercede. Pretty ugly. As I type, I feel my chest tighten just the way it did last year. I hurried to my car as soon we finished praying that first week. As God held up His holy mirror so I might glimpse my sinful heart condition, I questioned 'why am I feeling this way? I like almost everyone! What is wrong here? Help LORD!
Then Jeremiah 17:9: pierced my heart…
“The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?
Repenting, I felt all was fine.. but the struggle for my mind was merciless as I wrestled with my ugly feelings. Falling on my knees in repentance numerous times would not relieve me. Was I not crucified with Christ? I committed Phil 2:5-10 to memory. It speaks about my attitude being the same as that of Jesus Christ … ouch. . My attitude was far afield from the love of Christ. I would reckon myself dead to sin and claim Romans 6:14 that ‘sin shall not have dominion over me.’ How often I spoke the words, “I am crucified with Christ.” Then each week I experienced this too familiar battle as my feelings raised my old sin nature right out of the casket
As the battle raged I quoted, “I walk by faith not by sight. (II Corinthians 5:7), “Not I but Christ”. In brokenness I cried out ‘LORD, love her through me. Why am I struggling like this? Change me! Help LORD, this woman has done nothing to deserve my disdain!!’ To my disappointment the year ended with out any significant change in my heart and I struggled, confessing my guilt and unbelief and finding rest in Christ. “I am trusting You with all I do not understand . Thank You LORD for teaching me though I ‘feel’ I have not gained a thing, but have messed up, refusing to count myself dead to sin. Thank You for all You have for me in this trial. You are faithful beyond imagining.”
Driving to Mom's prayer meeting this year I thought again of this woman. Her name had not surfaced for months. I prayed, “Oh no, You are not going to allow me go through this again are You LORD?” In surrender I prayed, ‘Your will be done Lord, just don’t pair me with her to pray.” These prayer words barely left my silent lips when they were replaced by a smile. For I knew in that instant my Father-God was going to do exactly that. What does God think when we tell Him in our finite foolishness what to do? I smiled again when I found myself sitting across from her. The most amazing thing... there was not a trace of struggle emotionally! Not a finger print of disdain! Were negative feelings playing hide and seek? Not one negative feeling was anywhere! I was not expecting this training period of the LORD to be suddenly over. I wanted to shout Hallelujah and dance around my chair, but it may have provoked a question or two which I would not want to answer. Instead, I unexpectedly began to cry for I was in awe of how my Father works. This was huge for me. God gave a sweet time of fellowship with this sister. I received a miracle. Freedom so sweet I am not sure my feet touched the ground when I left. My car became a sanctuary of praise as I made my way home.
As for God, his way is perfect... Psalm 18:30
You may not have such strong and clear feelings of deliverance as you would desire to have, but humble yourselves in His sight, and acknowledge that you have grieved the Holy Spirit by your self-will, self-confidence, and self-effort. Bow humbly before Him in the confession of that, and ask Him to break your heart and bring you into the dust before Him. Then, as you bow before Him, just accept the teaching that in your flesh “there dwelleth no good thing,” and that nothing will help you except another life. AM”
Christ in you, living by His Spirit, not your trying hard to be like Him. His fruit. His will. You died and your life is hid with Christ in God. Col 3:1
Casting my self-life at the feet of Jesus and trusting in Him to work His will, in His time, is never easy. There is no deliverance to be found in anyone else. Is there anything to kind for Him to do? No not one thing. If He will do this for one like me in my need, will He not abundantly provide in His way for His children wherever they are?
Majestic One, Divine Creator, I bow before You my deliverer. Thank You for Your cleansing blood and for taking the ‘all things’ in my life an using them to transform me into Your likeness. I long to be an extension of your love and Hope and Peace. Thank You I do not have to hide my struggles or focus on them for You already know all there is to know. Only You can change me as I trust You to work. Enable me to live so that I will not let troublesome days pass without gleaning from them what only troublesome days can give! I want to live in such a way as to bring You glory and Hope to this lost world. I desire to do Your will to the smallest detail. I surrender. My life is ‘not I but Christ’ for..
I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!. Job 19:25-27
Come soon Lord Jesus,
If you want to know how to receive Christ as Savior and know forgiveness of your sins, click on this link:
Be gracious to me and hear my prayer. Psalm 4:1
Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! II Corinthians 13:5
Dear Brothers and Precious Sisters in our Lord Jesus,
Scripture tells us to examine ourselves. While engaging in self-examination we must be cautious not to be sidetracked by taking our eyes off Christ. The enemy will even use ‘good’ things to keep us from our true focus. My mind refused retreat as I reflected on spiritual growth. ‘Is my walk in the faith? Do my words and the tone of my voice reflect faith? How does God feel about complaining? Gossip? Lies? What about my attitude? Do I walk to be noticed and approved by men or to please God? When you cannot pry sins grip from your ankles what do you do?
The Father has left us as much dependent on the Lord Jesus work for our deliverance as for our forgiveness. It is wholly because we died with Him on the Cross (died to sin) that sin’s power for those in Him is broken.” MJS
For the last few years I have met once a week with mothers to pray for students and staff from the high school. My granddaughter was my student last year. God allowed a long, gut-wrenching test in regards to this prayer time when a mother, new to our group, joined us changing things. Even the day and time changed. I found myself annoyed with the changes and critical thoughts bombarded my mind. I was flummoxed and could not think of a single reason I should not like her, but my natural self did not sync with this woman. I am embarrassed to remember how even the way she pronounced her students name, repeating it over and over in prayer, grated on me! I bulked in my heart at being paired with her to intercede. Pretty ugly. As I type, I feel my chest tighten just the way it did last year. I hurried to my car as soon we finished praying that first week. As God held up His holy mirror so I might glimpse my sinful heart condition, I questioned 'why am I feeling this way? I like almost everyone! What is wrong here? Help LORD!
Then Jeremiah 17:9: pierced my heart…
“The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?
Repenting, I felt all was fine.. but the struggle for my mind was merciless as I wrestled with my ugly feelings. Falling on my knees in repentance numerous times would not relieve me. Was I not crucified with Christ? I committed Phil 2:5-10 to memory. It speaks about my attitude being the same as that of Jesus Christ … ouch. . My attitude was far afield from the love of Christ. I would reckon myself dead to sin and claim Romans 6:14 that ‘sin shall not have dominion over me.’ How often I spoke the words, “I am crucified with Christ.” Then each week I experienced this too familiar battle as my feelings raised my old sin nature right out of the casket
As the battle raged I quoted, “I walk by faith not by sight. (II Corinthians 5:7), “Not I but Christ”. In brokenness I cried out ‘LORD, love her through me. Why am I struggling like this? Change me! Help LORD, this woman has done nothing to deserve my disdain!!’ To my disappointment the year ended with out any significant change in my heart and I struggled, confessing my guilt and unbelief and finding rest in Christ. “I am trusting You with all I do not understand . Thank You LORD for teaching me though I ‘feel’ I have not gained a thing, but have messed up, refusing to count myself dead to sin. Thank You for all You have for me in this trial. You are faithful beyond imagining.”
Driving to Mom's prayer meeting this year I thought again of this woman. Her name had not surfaced for months. I prayed, “Oh no, You are not going to allow me go through this again are You LORD?” In surrender I prayed, ‘Your will be done Lord, just don’t pair me with her to pray.” These prayer words barely left my silent lips when they were replaced by a smile. For I knew in that instant my Father-God was going to do exactly that. What does God think when we tell Him in our finite foolishness what to do? I smiled again when I found myself sitting across from her. The most amazing thing... there was not a trace of struggle emotionally! Not a finger print of disdain! Were negative feelings playing hide and seek? Not one negative feeling was anywhere! I was not expecting this training period of the LORD to be suddenly over. I wanted to shout Hallelujah and dance around my chair, but it may have provoked a question or two which I would not want to answer. Instead, I unexpectedly began to cry for I was in awe of how my Father works. This was huge for me. God gave a sweet time of fellowship with this sister. I received a miracle. Freedom so sweet I am not sure my feet touched the ground when I left. My car became a sanctuary of praise as I made my way home.
As for God, his way is perfect... Psalm 18:30
You may not have such strong and clear feelings of deliverance as you would desire to have, but humble yourselves in His sight, and acknowledge that you have grieved the Holy Spirit by your self-will, self-confidence, and self-effort. Bow humbly before Him in the confession of that, and ask Him to break your heart and bring you into the dust before Him. Then, as you bow before Him, just accept the teaching that in your flesh “there dwelleth no good thing,” and that nothing will help you except another life. AM”
Christ in you, living by His Spirit, not your trying hard to be like Him. His fruit. His will. You died and your life is hid with Christ in God. Col 3:1
Casting my self-life at the feet of Jesus and trusting in Him to work His will, in His time, is never easy. There is no deliverance to be found in anyone else. Is there anything to kind for Him to do? No not one thing. If He will do this for one like me in my need, will He not abundantly provide in His way for His children wherever they are?
Majestic One, Divine Creator, I bow before You my deliverer. Thank You for Your cleansing blood and for taking the ‘all things’ in my life an using them to transform me into Your likeness. I long to be an extension of your love and Hope and Peace. Thank You I do not have to hide my struggles or focus on them for You already know all there is to know. Only You can change me as I trust You to work. Enable me to live so that I will not let troublesome days pass without gleaning from them what only troublesome days can give! I want to live in such a way as to bring You glory and Hope to this lost world. I desire to do Your will to the smallest detail. I surrender. My life is ‘not I but Christ’ for..
I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!. Job 19:25-27
Come soon Lord Jesus,
If you want to know how to receive Christ as Savior and know forgiveness of your sins, click on this link: