By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their host. Let all the earth fear the LORD; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast. Psalm 33:6, 8-9
Dear Sisters whom God has chosen, His name is power. His words unfathomable power! My spirit was so moved this past week, sparked by Psalm 42:8... The LORD will command His lovingkindness in the daytime; And His song will be with me in the night, A prayer to the God of my life. As I began meditating on this scripture it came richly alive. How gracious our LORD is to so lovingly care for us. I thought how I need His lovingkindness and without Him what song would I sing in the night? probably a dirge in mournful shrieks. Only our God gives a song in the night. I came across a second verse which buoyed my spirit in Psalm 68:28: Your God has commanded your strength; Show Yourself strong, O God, who have acted on our behalf. The very God who commands His loving kindness toward us also commands our strength. We have His heart for our every need. Even if we feel we cannot go on, we have reason not to despair in the battle. We have hope in God because of His Presence. This definition enriched my understanding of command. 1. To bid; to order; to direct; to charge; implying authority, and power to control, and to require obedience. 2. To govern, lead or direct; to have or to exercise supreme authority over.3. To have in power; to be able to exercise power or authority over; as, a military post commands the surrounding country
Scripture teaches : *God commands nature, directing the stormy winds and sea - Psalm 78:20, Luke 8:24 *God commands blessing, eternal life -Psalm 133:3 *God commanded creation into being -Psalm 148:5 *God commands fish and they obey -Jonah 2:10 *God commands men to speak or not to speak -Jeremiah 26:2,8,9, *God commands dreams at His will -Matthew 1:24 *God commands demons and they obey- Luke 8:29 *God has command over disease and affliciton and death! Matt 11:5
It was so exciting to own this Truth, I danced! This God, who spoke the Universe into being, commands my strength and His lovingkindness into my life. The stars shine at His command. He can command the stones to cry out and they would obey. He commanded a jackass to speak! Allow the truth of His power warm your heart into awe. Where is our strength? It is in His hands. There is always strength for the day. Receive it by faith. Begin by thanking Him for the strength He has promised. How many promises we leave unclaimed! Jesus commands us: 'love one another as I have loved you' that a lost world may know you belong to Him. This is the eleventh commandment. (John 13:34) He is the God of living hope. I Peter 1:3
His work in our lives, all He allows, is designed to make us 'partakers of His holiness'. We are under His training. There are no shortcuts dear sisters. Anyone God has used greatly was a graduate of His training school. Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Paul. The result? a fruitfulness that brings Him glory. You are not forgotten. He knows everything you face, He has given the trial permission. He cares and is in attendance. "His sympathy is not expressed in removing the affliction but in raising one above it to Himself, so that He becomes so endeared to the heart that He is more an object to the heart than oneself." JBS
Remember Who commands your strength to endure as you face daily opposition. Suffering is allowed for a reason. You desperately need to cloth yourself in God’s armor each morning so you can “stand firm against the schemes of the devil.”
I hope these thoughts provoke you to stand in AWE of Him!
Father, How amazing You are to me. The words of this song below express this. Take my heart and fill it with faith to trust You and to rejoice in You. Thank you for choosing me, loving me and providing for my every need. You are my Refuge and Sanctuary and Living Hope! Bless my sisters drawing their hearts to worship and stand in awe of You. I pray in the Name before which every knee will bow and every tongue confess that You are LORD! amen
I Stand In Awe You are beautiful beyond description Too marvelous for words, Too wonderful for comprehension,
Like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp your infinite wisdom?
Who can fathom the depth of your love? You are beautiful beyond description, Majesty enthroned above.
And I stand, I stand, in awe of you.
I stand, I stand in awe of you. Holy God, to whom all praise is due,
I stand In awe of you.
May this be your song in the night. You are prayed for and loved by the King az
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