"that I may know Him.... being conformed to His death" Phil 3:10 My precious sisters, Do you greet the morning with a 'to do' list? Some things nag at me before I open my eyes. I keep waiting for things to slow down allowing time to pursue activities beyond the mundane. It hasn't. I have often heard "if the devil can't make you bad, he will make you busy". I am not sure we need his help in making our lives busy; we seem to do that very well on our own. Raising four children kept me very busy and now with an empty nest I expected life to be at slower pace. I do not have time to think about being bored! We need to learn death in order to know life. Once we see and accept our Father's purpose for our lives we will 'want His will more than our own way'. It is here we find rest in spite of busyness and we learn to walk worthy of the LORD. Our dislike, even hatred, for others comes easily but learning to hate our old man, the flesh comes hard for all of us. We somehow think if we could just improve this or that about ourselves... when God has but one plan for the flesh: death. The Christian's victory is not over others, but over ourselves. Our life is a paradox. We live by dying. We lose to win. In weakness we find strength (His). Even in life's busyness I want to cultivate time beholding Him. Here is my list: 1. Quiet 2. exercise 3. phone calls 4. bank 5. enjoy Him If we have once really tasted the loving-kindness of God we never enjoy it so much as when we have nothing else to enjoy. He may be everything to us, as He is everything for us." J.N.D. It would be easier to honestly answer the question 'Do you love Him?' verses 'do you enjoy Him?' You may think that 'I read my Bible and pray'... ask yourself 'do I enjoy Him?' It may be a leap for you, but this I know, it is what God wants for us. I want to learn to enjoy Him daily. Yes, I love Him, but I do not always take time to enjoy Him. Just coming to be with Him..... no requests. I want to near and worship, praise Him and give thanks. I miss much when I do not make time. I am learning that even commuting my car can be a sanctuary to enjoy Him. Meditating on His word, singing are ways I behold Him. What is precious to you about Jesus? what is precious to you about His name? Tell Him. Whoaaaaa!! slow it down, do not keep rushing through summer without making a date to enjoy Him. Father-God, I lift these beloved sisters to You asking You to draw them yet nearer. Show them how to put You first even in the busyness of life. Remind them You desire to have them get to know You intimately and enjoy You. You love each one and are jealous over them and want to teach them how to give You the first place in all things and enjoy You even while doing menial tasks, but also to make time to just bow and sense Your greatness and love. Thank You LORD, it amazes me that You would want to teach us to draw near and enjoy You. wow! I am in awe. In the awe-inspiring name of Jesus I pray. amen "That He might have the first place in all things"... Col 1:18 In His sweet Name, az |
A haven for believers to receive spiritual nourishment and encouragement and grow strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Knowing Jesus as personal Savior places us ‘in' Christ. May God use this site to encourage believers for life is hard. He the Holy God reigns and is coming again. Praise His holy Name. It is hard to be a believer in todays world and keep our eyes on Jesus; we will receive from Him wisdom, perspective and strength as we do focus on Him!

Monday, August 2, 2010
Enjoying Him?
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