Wednesday, September 1, 2010


For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. II cor 4:17-18

Dear Sisters, who live in in the promise of His glory,                Sept 1, 2010

Faith stands on the Word of God apart from everyone and everything. When I am Spirit filled and walking by faith, my life is centered on the Lord Jesus as the Holy Spirit always draws the focus to Christ Jesus. 

when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth; "He will glorify Me,"
John 16:13-14

In an instant my heart can be detained by something here and my faith has an object to conquer. Is not the visible antagonistic to the invisible? I Thought of Eve in the garden... detained by food.... and she lost faith. I found how easily I am distracted as I 'defend myself' instead of trusting the LORD to be my defense or I allow the attitude or actions of another, determine my response. He has promised me strength to bring Him glory; instead I react in the flesh and occupied with the visible. Yet, He is the glory of my strength! Psalm 89:17 nas

Glory: sum total of all God is and does. Glory is not a separate attribute or characteristic such as holiness, wisdom or mercy.  Everything God is and does is characterized by glory. God's glory is eternal and without measure and He reveals His glory through creation.  

I was told to put the words "character and likeness of God" in place of the word "glory" in a verse, to better understand the meaning. I tried it in Romans 8:18 and have never forgotten the blessing of it.  For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the character and likeness of God which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

Wow! and there is more!  Also wondrous is the meaning of the word 'foreknow'! Listen to what set my heart dancing my sisters! 

Foreknow, foreknew, known, know: To set one's love on a person or persons in a personal way. 

For those whom He foreknew, (us) He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; Roman 8:29

I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—and I lay down my life for the sheep. John 10:14-15

I AM the good Shepherd; I have set My love on My own Arlene and she knows Me! I am always near protecting and providing for her.

The eternal God, the great 'I AM', the God of all glory and power has set His own personal love on me, a dumb sheep!! I am dancing! I walk in the Spirit and know His glory in and through me, that others may be drawn to my Savior. As I surrender, the Holy Spirit conforms me to the image of Christ. How can we not bring Him glory as we are transformed into His likeness? I need to remember I bring Christ with me everywhere I go and the look on my face expresses attitude even before I speak 

My Sisters, to know about Truth is a blessing. But there is much more... I want to challenge you to take it a step farther, study and memorize God's word. He will infuse Truth anew, warming your heart and fueling your soul with His strength and wisdom. Paraphrase His word by putting your name it and let it fill you for His word lives.

Abba, Daddy... I pray to You glorious One, holder of all hearts. You see our desire to please You. You share our tears and laughter and understand our disappointments.  It is You, the shepherding One, who calls us by name. You, our Need-meeter, satisfy the hunger we have to be loved and counted precious. You alone complete us, Completer of our hearts.  It is so easy to slide into the ways of the world and away from faith. Let me act, obey, speak out or be silent, help or refrain from helping, as Love would dictate. Our deepest desire is to believe Your word, embracing the truth, of our absolute acceptance in Christ, before you holy Father. Thank You for knowing us intimately and allowing us to know You the glorious One and thank You for faithfully transforming us into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, in whose name I pray. amen.

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