Thursday, October 21, 2010

Better than a Hallelujah?

Revelation 19:1
[ The Fourfold Hallelujah ] After these things I heard something like a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, " Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God.....

My dearest Sisters,
Years ago I heard this: 'It takes a lot of Truth to float a little lie'.  There is a very popular song with a catchy melody that quickly assimilates into one's brain but disturbs me deeply. I realize there are songs which are not actually scriptural in every aspect, but do not thwart doctrine.  Please carefully ponder with me the definition of the word 'hallelujah'.
hallelujah |?hal??lo?y?| (also alleluia) exclamation
God be praised (uttered in worship or as an expression of rejoicing) : He is risen! Alleluia!
an utterance of the word “hallelujah” as an expression of worship or rejoicing.
 (from the 16th century) directly from Hebrew hall?l?y?h ‘praise ye the Lord.’

This word is the same in every language around the world! I believe it is to be reserved for worship of Christ Jesus alone, our precious Lord and Savior. He is the only One worthy of such adoration.  The song (I've heard too many times) is one touching the emotions of the heart and at first hearing seem good, but what are the words proclaiming? Consider phrases such as 'the honest cries of breaking hearts are better than a hallelujah'. Is this true? Honest cries are good but earthly. Truth: there is nothing better than a hallelujah! How can a mother's tears at night be better than a Hallelujah? They may be dear to the Savior's ear and He may share her tears and answer her plea but is it better than a hallelujah?  God hear the cries of a breaking heart (true) but is it better than praise and worship of the Holy One? 

You may not agree with me, but I find the song's statement  alarming; fitting into the category of 'having my ears tickled!'  See: II Timothy 4:2-4 nas. My heart has refused to resonate with lyrics which make the Christian life about us. I find it leaves me unsettled. For me it spiritually dethrones my Lord and seriously diminishes the meaning of the word Hallelujah; moving it to the mundane it reflects where the church is today. God says we will give an account (I will give an account) of every idol word I speak or for carelessly misusing His Holy Name or attributing to earthy things that which reserved for exalting Him alone.

Definition of mundane:  of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one.

It is always the spiritual that matters most, and so the assault on the spirit is always fiercer than on the body. ac

We have the opportunity of proving our God True and worshiping Him! Did you ever stop to think how humbling and amazing it is that we are allowed such a privilege? I know that when Christ Jesus is on the throne of my life, there can never be anything better than a hallelujah! Hallelujah for who He is and what He has done for me. There is nothing this earth offers that compares to what is mine in Christ and what awaits me eternally. I hope you are caused to sing... "Hallelujah, what a Savior".  Our glorious Lord deserves nothing less than grateful singing hearts.

Exalted One, Holy beyond comprehension, it is You i adore. Were i to suddenly be in Your Presence I would be flat out on my face before Your glory; daring not to raise my head to glimpse the Holiness and Power and beauty emanating from Your throne. I pray for my sisters, Your beloveds, the ones You think about and love immeasurably! Give them discernment and wisdom and let them find their satisfaction and joy in You today. Remind them Your loving kindness enfolds them even now. Remind them of your  greatness and that You alone are worthy of every Hallelujah we would ever utter!  Give them a song in the night, give them a song in the day, give them a song of thanksgiving and praise to You. I pray in the Name of the only One worthy of receiving our 'Hallelujah's', Yeshua Jesus, Lamb of God.

Hallelujah to the Lamb,

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