"You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matt 5:14,16 fragments
... for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light (for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth) Ephesians 5:8-9
Dear Ones loved by our amazing Savior,
Sometimes I cannot get on paper what is filling up my heart as He discloses Himself to me and I want to go up on the roof (mine is flat) and shout His praises and dance before Him! Other times, surreptitiously, I am called to be flat out, my face covered with my hands in fearful delight. I am so in awe of Him and wonder why He would allow me near! These are not times you share with another but tuck them in your heart as purest treasure. I see Mary as one who definitely had a time of purest treasure receiving news from Gabriel that she was chosen to bear the Messiah of Israel. (Luke 1:26-38) Amazing and wondrous faith displayed. Hear her words.
Mary said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." And the angel departed from her. Luke 1:38
As I put myself in Mary's place and imagine being told this amazing news, I wonder how would I respond? Would I believe and sweetly acquiesce? The Jews awaited Messiah for thousands of years it was wondrous to be chosen. So very young and her heart so tenderly accepting. Read her response again and 'feel' her attitude. (above) Would she have said these words if she knew they included future suffering and misunderstanding?
I was reading in Matthew 5 when v14 tapped me on the shoulder and verse 16 stopped me. Taking a surprised breath I was unable to read on. I had read this dozens of times but as a 'fact', not hearing “You are the light of the world”. My mind raced. Just how was I to 'let' my light shine before men 'in such a way' <(what exactly does this mean?) that others, including those who are in the house (family) will see my good works and glorify my Father in heaven. Do I get to define 'in such a way'? Does it include all the Beatitudes just spoken? Is it my choice of what I will engage in to ‘bring’ Him glory? Did Mary decide what Gabriel would say? How many days have I made such decisions based on what fit my plans?
As usual, I gave my day to the Lord asking that I might bring Him glory and please Him. ( a bit presumptuous as it was never 'my' day!) I knew how I would spend it. Things had been so busy I wanted to slow down and dovery little. My husband had different plans which stretched to 4 pm. It was a fierce battlet not to embrace resentment. Instead I attempted to keep a good attitude and count the flesh dead to sin. (Romans 6) My mind cried out, “It isn't fair”. But then life isn't about 'fair'' it about His glory. One small unnoticed act of kindness may garner more glory for Him than any planned act of service, in His name. What happened to my: “Lord, this is your day”? How quickly it became my will, not His. My reasoning was not of faith, but of flesh. Unbelief as to His word to me.
In Ephesians 5 it explains what it is to let your light shine, it is the fruit Light. Jesus is the Light. I Tim 6:15-16 It is His Life and Light in and through us that brings Him glory. Eph 5 tells us to: walk in love, walk carefully, walk redeeming the time, walk in wisdom, walk in understanding and the key to this walk is in vs 18 'walk filled with the Spirit'. After reading this I knew that to be the light of the world was not a legalistic effort to keep the Beatitudes Jesus had just given, but to have the Lord’s Light shining through all my cracks. It is His Spirit that produces and I only receive.
He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen. I Tim 6:15-16
I also saw another Beatitude spoken by Elizabeth to Mary..
“blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord.” I want this beatitude to apply to me and to all of you my dear sisters, in such a way, that we are transformed for His glory! God’s word is spoken to us by the Lord; as we draw near and read it with hearts of faith. May He give ears to hear and eyes to see His Truth. Blessed be His name.
“You cannot live in the world without knowledge and learning. The kind of knowledge that will really profit you-- in soul as well as in body-- is the knowledge that comes as you learn how to walk with God in the humble character of Christ. That is, the intimate knowledge that comes as your spirit interacts with Christ's Spirit, and He begins to shine and become present in you. (as LORD) T.K .
Lord, You who shelter me. Incline my heart to let Your Light shine enabling me to embrace what You send to my day in such a way it results in Your glory! How quickly I turn from Your way to mine. Change me. Hide me in the pavilion of Your love and grace, in such a way,Your way, that Your glory permeates my life and spills all over the place. Oh, to have hearts as Mary who lived in such a way her attitude was 'Be it unto me” as she trusted You for all she did not understand. Because You are the Light of the world and live in me I can shine in such a way that Your name, Jesus, is lifted high. Thank You for such a privilege as this. You not only died for me, I died with You. Mary's light shone in such a way in the darkness of her time... I pray my sisters and I will shine in the darkness of this age, wherever our day takes us and especially in our families. Encourage them for they are the light of the world! Live in us in such a way as to cause our lives to have eternal impact.In the Name of Love I pray, amen
shine in such a way!
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