Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thank You for the Scars!

So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. Eph 1:6-7

When they came to a place called The Skull, they nailed Jesus to the cross. Luke 23:33

I have been crucified with Christ... Gal 2:20

My Sisters who know Christ as Savior,

How very precious you are to Him who is the Passover Lamb. As believers we rejoice in the Truth of His death to satisfy God's anger over our sin. Only a perfect sacrifice would be accepted by Jehovah. Yeshua, was the perfect Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world. He became sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him! Hallelujah. 
A scar. Each human naturally carries their scar from birth.  The testimony of the scar is an uncompromising reminder that we were utterly vulnerable and dependent on another's life. Someone carried us, nurtured us and gave us life.  Nurture flowed through the umbilical chord sustaining life in us. Our belly-button, or navel if you prefer, is the scar marking where I was separated and my life began. Life being a gift.

 Spiritually, life begins at the Cross, a scar on the landscape of history, reflecting man's worst evil perpetrated on the sinless, perfect Son of God, reminding us He carried all our sin, died in our place to give us life. Out of His death and resurrection came our forgiveness and cleansing and new Life; as all our sin was placed on Him on the Cross (not 'a' Cross but the cross). The Cross the lifeline between a Holy God and us, my sisters! His blood the payment, the embryonic fluid protecting us, keeping us! The Cross our symbol. Every human bears their physical scar as a testimony of life given. His cross reminds us of our utter dependence on this new life in Christ Jesus because of our daily ongoing need! 
Every humble and devoted believer in Jesus Christ must have his own periods of wonder and amazement at the mystery of godliness- the willingness of the Son of Man to take our place in judgement so that the people of God could be cleansed and spiritual people. A.W.T.

Though many believers rejoice over Christ's dying for them, few are affected by the fact He arose for them! There will be a constant struggle and failure unless we grasp this liberating Truth. I think of it like this: Christ removed every barrier which separated me from God: my guilt, my sin, (Romans 6:7) the law, Also He dealt our enemies a deadly blow- the world, the flesh and the devil. What He did there is what counts eternally! Because of this we are no longer in bondage through fear (we are free from the curse) and can boldly approach the throne of Grace. (Heb 4:15-16)  Our heart is free to study Him, to behold Him. I have to stop and sing praise to Him and worship, then shout: Hallelujah!

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” Gal 3:13
Let us enter into all that which being united to Christ as our Life means. Let us rejoice in all that was accomplished for us on Calvary. L.L.L.
So many whose lips God lovingly created and were shouting 'Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest' as He entered Jerusalem on a colt, but were soon crying “Crucify Him, crucify Him”! How fickle the human heart! O that God would give us undivided hearts, grateful and overflowing in thankfulness for all His death and life provided. The over flow of our hearts will be Worship. 

Savior, Lamb of God, You, who hung between heaven and earth, suspended in humility.... I bow. I am on my face before You. Who You are terrifies me and draws me near. Your precious blood is power. Fill my heart with faith to trust You fully and daily deny myself and take up my cross and follow You as I choose (with my will) to reckon myself dead to sin and alive to You. Inner peace exists not in my flesh, but in my will... trusting You to take me through hardships specifically designed to conform me to the image of the Lord Jesus. I rejoice in your faithfulness. In You I find strength to rejoice when I would so easily grumble and feel it my right to be upset over things. I want to please You. Thank You for acepting me. I pray in the most Holy Name of Jesus, amen.
Crucified with Christ, risen with Christ! Hallelujah, I rejoice


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