Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The LORD is...

The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? 
The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread? Psalm 27:1

But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Phil 3:7

My dearest Sisters and Brothers who walk by faith, Greetings in the Holy Name 0f Jesus!   Indescribable

I have lived, cried and danced in Psalm 27 this week.. Especially verse 1. It is so rich and overflowing that for the longest time I could not get passed the first three words: 
"The LORD is...." stopped me still; filling my heart with awe and wonder of this immeasurable God. The Holy being who IS! He captured me wrestling my heart to my knees, and I was left in awe of Him! Humbled by His Presence, I was aware I will never comprehend the Truth of Him: ‘The LORD IS’. I will never understand why in His greatness He chose me and loves me! 
This scripture set my feet to dancing! Hallelujah my Lord and King. In the middle of my dance, again His Presence halted me and bowing in worship I was meeked. Amen in the Name above all names, Yeshua. amen

 “Your thoughts of God are too human.”--Luther

God is so great we can never fully understand Him for there is always more to know of His greatness and goodness.

When understanding floods our being that Jesus is our life, we, just as Paul, will no long think in terms of 'stuf'. God's purpose for each one of us remains unchanged. His desire to create the likeness of Christ in us is at work as we are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. II Corinthians 4:11 
We need to stop and ask. ‘Is His life being manifested in and through me?'
Change is accomplished through trials pressing on us until we cry out for deliverance from what we are and look to Christ... it gives us opportunity to count ourselves crucified with Christ and learn to fix our eyes on Jesus to accomplish that which we cannot do for ourselves. We must be weaned from our many little comforts and mercies we have enjoyed. How quickly this reveals our heart condition, just as conflict in families reveal a defensiveness and how easily we insist on our 'rights'. If He did not wean us how would we know what it is to depend on Him apart from any human intervention? 

"It is through the chastenings of His hand. through the trials and suffering of our path, that He weans the hearts of His own from other objects, that the Lord Jesus Christ alone may fill the vision of our souls." E.D.

I am learning to hold an open hand on life and people and the 'stuf' crowding my path; for then loss isn't as painful when God chooses to remove something. How hard the lessons are of holding things loosely. Picture a toddler who foolishly grasps a toy refusing to give it up. When the parent tries to take it from him a tantrum spews forth and his chubby fist tightens its grip on the object. How like this toddler, foolishly insisting on my own way and screaming and hanging onto what my loving Father wants to remove from my life, in His great wisdom. How can my Father put into my hands what He has planned when I refuse to let go what He wants to remove? 
I wonder why my faith seems at times to shrink instantly! He has never made a mistake, He is all-wise and all He does is wrapped in His loving kindness... even when He removes something loved, be it person or thing or pet or opportunity. Faith is trusting God to work mightily when every circumstances screams the opposite. We must be in communion with our Father... not just gain knowledge reading His word, not even even praying and going to church will produce communion. To commune is to identify with Christ in His death and resurrection. unless you are in communion you will not grow in likeness to what you admire for there will be none of His fruit through you, such as love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, truthfulness and no righteous walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. You have a new position ‘in Christ’. You have a right to be there! Not only  is it true “The LORD is...” but ‘you are’ because you are in Him. He delights to have you near Him. A glimpse of this Truth immensely alters your perception of this world through which you are passing as an alien. Study Him. Behold Him. Commune with Him daily. He loves you so.

God is so great He will never be fully understood by His creatures. WMD

 “Can you discover the depths of God? 
Can you discover the limits of the Almighty? 
They are high as the heavens, what can you do? 
Deeper than Sheol, what can you know? 
Its measure is longer than the earth 
And broader than the sea.” Job 11:7-9

 in a name and speaks glory, redemption, hope, Life, joy and strength, encompassing me now and forever... the word is "Jesus." Raised in glory, by glory, for glory. In whose name I pray. 

In His immeasurable Love,


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