Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Grace is Powerful

     In all their distress he too was distressed… 
     In his love and mercy he redeemed them;       
     he lifted them up and carried them 
     all the days of old. Isaiah  63:9

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you…  II Cor 12:9

      Greetings in the name that is Peace,
As I read scripture this week, I struggled with divine lessons intended to move me from self-dependence, to Christ-dependence, The thought that kept surfacing was ‘grace’. As I reflected on what God wanted to teach me about grace, my emotions were a roller coaster of fragmented thoughts and they, like unruly children, refused to quietly move me to understanding. What was I not hearing? I was in deep need of His comfort and I wanted to His tender words meant for me.

I happened across a small booklet about God’s grace. It was something I acquired from my Mother, after her death. In it, I have found treasure… it set my feet to dancing! Treasure that blessed my heart and encouraged my understanding of His infinite, powerful, gift of ‘grace’.

“Suppose you have a young child who is the joy and delight of your life. Suppose too, that this child was cruelly murdered. What is your attitude toward the killer?
1.    If you use every possible means to kill him for his crime,  it would be vengeance.
2.    If you sit back and watch the civil authorities convict him and execute him, it would be justice.
3.    But if you pardon the murderer, invite him to live in your home and adopt him as your son, that would be grace.

Not realistic? Well, let’s look at another illustration. I have sinned against a holy God. And by God’s law I am guilty. Consequently my sin has brought on me a sentence of eternal Hell. If God allows my sentence to be carried out, I could not rightfully complain because I am receiving what I deserve according to the divine law, of the Omnipotent, infinite, and Holy Creator-God.
The gavel sounds and as they start dragging me away, God intervenes, providing my substitute, His only Son! The One who is perfect in righteousness, becomes the sacrifice Lamb! He will die in my place. A tortuous death on the Cross as He becomes my Sin-bearer!
Then God turns to me and offers to forgive me and give me everlasting life, as a free gift! To my utter amazement, the LORD then offers to make me His child and take me home to live with Him eternally. What would you call this unmerited favor to me a sinner? I who deserves the very opposite? Only one word describes such treatment: Grace.

A young girl was sitting in her room singing when 2 shots were fired outside her home (because a man was angry with two women who lived there). The shot severed her spinal chord leaving this 3 yr old a paraplegic. Two years later, sitting in the Suffolk County courtroom, she faced the man who took away her ability to walk and run and play as other children. Kai began to cry as she spoke these words: “What you did to me was wrong!” But her next words surprised everyone hearing her, even her mother. “ But I still forgive him,” she said softly as she looked around the courtroom. This 5 yr old girl was dealing with a very present evil done against her, changing her life forever. This act of forgiveness puts flesh on Jesus words.

But Jesus was saying, “ Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:31-32

 Yes, Jesus asks much of His followers, but He gives much. He gives grace to do what is right, in all circumstances.

If I do not give thanks, I deny God’s Sovereignty.” Kay Arthur

Also true: unforgiveness denies the grace God offers. Let this truth sink in and mold you into a vessel of praise and thanksgiving! . I must stay in His word and stay close to His grace, for it cannot be phonied up to impress anyone. It is as daily as manna, for is it not a mark of all who call Jesus ‘Lord and Savior’?

What comes to mind when you reflect on grace? I like this acrostic:
GRACE:   God’s   Riches  AChrist’s   Expense

Grace is the riches of all that is mine in Christ. Grace is a Light for my path. Grace is Love lavished upon me. Grace is letting the Lord Jesus pour His love through me to others. Grace is humbling. Without grace I cannot live the Christian life. Almost every New Testament letter begins and ends with words on Grace. Ephesians is rich with the truth of grace. How precious our Lord is to meet our every need with grace.

…who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity, 2 Timothy 1:9

Almighty One, Giver of grace, Provider of all my needs, I want to sing my thanksgiving to You. You know I cannot carry a tune and yet my heart sings your praises. Thank You for the rich store of old hymns that reflect on Your grace. You are a wonderful Abba. You taste my distress and are distressed. You pour out your grace in love and compassion on me. Hallelujah to my God and King. Your Word is true. Your grace is perfect….  I love You dear Lamb of God, my sacrifice. It is in Your Name I come boldly, before the throne, to find mercy and grace to help in time of need. Meet each sister and brother today, in grace and love. In Your name I pray. Amen.

By His Grace,


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